Complications of rhinoplasty with grafts

Complications of rhinoplasty with grafts

Complications of rhinoplasty with grafts

Some complications of rhinoplasty with grafts :

۱- تورم :

You should not be surprised if your nostrils swell after rhinoplasty and grafting . It is also associated with bruising, bleeding, and infection .
Rhinitis improves after a while and that its appearance gradually changes over a few months, so you should not be too sensitive to the appearance of your nose for the first 10 to 12 months. .

۲- اسکار :

In some surgeries, a cut incision is made . It is called a scar instead of a wound . In some cases, the color of the scar may be slightly different from the color of the skin . It takes about 6 to 9 months for these to go away, so don't worry .

Of nose surgery | Complications of rhinoplasty with grafts

۳- Numbness in the tip of the nose

4- Nasal asymmetry :

After surgery, asymmetry in the nose is one of the most common complications of rhinoplasty with grafts, which mostly occurs in the operation of noses that have deviations, so patients turn to the second operation of the nose. .

۵- Delay in the recovery process :

In most cases, the patients' recovery process is a bit slow and this worries the patient . This is more common in people who smoke and people with chronic diseases .


۶- Allergic reactions

۷- Abnormal breathing :

In most cases, the patient may not be able to breathe normally after surgery. In these cases, he should use nasal sprays. .

8- Problems of nasal septum

۹- Oscar necrosis :

Scar necrosis means thickening, redness and tightening of the skin . This may happen to the part of the skin that is being cut . If the scar tissue is growing, do not worry at all, because they can be treated with steroid injections. .

۱۰- Failure of skin graft

۱۱- Dissatisfaction with the result of the action

The above is a complication of rhinoplasty .


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Of nose surgery

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What is nasal necrosis?

What is nasal necrosis?

What is nasal necrosis?

The problem of some patients after rhinoplasty is blackening of the nose or necrosis and these people are worried about the outcome of the surgery.. Of course, this complication is a very rare problem due to underlying disorders in the patient. In the following article, we will first introduce nasal necrosis and its causes, as well as its treatment and prevention. What is nasal necrosis? :

Nasal necrosis

Necrosis or darkening of the skin means the loss of living tissue, the amount of which depends on the size of the tissue. When, for any reason, the blood does not reach the tissues of the body and does not receive oxygen, it disappears and turns black.. Spot necrosis does not damage the nose, but if it reaches the nasal bone, it affects the outcome of surgery.

Of nose surgery | What is nasal necrosis?

What causes nasal necrosis after surgery?

Nasal necrosis after surgery may be due to one of the following reasons:

  • Vascular disorders
  • Intranasal infection
  • Side effects of injecting and taking Rakutan before rhinoplasty
  • Excessive manipulation and destruction of nasal tissue by the surgeon
  • Injecting a non-standard gel into the nose or large amounts in the wrong place
  • جراحی ترمیمی بینی
  • استعمال دخانیات

How can nasal necrosis be prevented?

The only way to prevent nasal necrosis after rhinoplasty is to remove the layer of fat from the patient's skin correctly, because too much of it will disrupt the blood supply to the nasal skin and the pressure from the splint and glue will cause nasal necrosis..

What is the treatment for nasal necrosis?

Treatment of necrosis depending on the damaged tissue may be complicated and the patient may have several surgeries. The surgeon tries to replace the necrotic tissue with normal body tissue and uses other parts of the body such as the ear cartilage or rib cartilage.. In some acute cases, if a large part of the nose is lost, the surgeon will replace it with a prosthesis. Of course, there are some conditions for using a prosthesis, and that is that the injured area is completely repaired and the nose is not infected.. Any change in color and blackness of the skin does not mean necrosis, but sometimes this complication is due to anemia and temporary, and the necrotic tissue is gradually repaired..

In general, it is necessary to wait to determine the extent of necrosis, and if the vessel is under pressure, this pressure should be removed with reconstructive surgery..


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Of nose surgery

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Weight loss after rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty and colds

Use of ice after rhinoplasty

Dental composite after rhinoplasty

Redness of the eyes after rhinoplasty

Treatment of nasal hump after rhinoplasty

Correction of nasal fins in nasal surgery

Nasal adhesions after nasal surgery

Treatment of nasal hump after rhinoplasty

Treatment of nasal hump after rhinoplasty

How to treat nasal congestion after rhinoplasty

Reconstructive surgery to treat nasal hump after rhinoplasty : Nasal hump after cosmetic surgery is less than the initial amount of nasal hump. Over time, with a nose massage, the nasal hump disappears after cosmetic surgery, and if it does not go away, the method suggested by the surgeon is reconstructive surgery, in which the surgeon cuts the cartilage grown in the septum of the nose and removes it. Takes.

What is osteotomy surgery?

Osteotomy is a type of surgery. Where a part of the patient's bone is cut by special tools.

Of course, it is normal for nasal congestion to occur during recovery. So do not worry about this and let the recovery period be complete.

Ways to treat nasal hump without surgery

The ways to treat nasal hump non-surgically are as follows:


Many people think that laser is effective in relieving nasal congestion; But laser has no place in rhinoplasty. Laser can not change the tissue of the nose.

Nose lift with thread

In the thread lift method, the absorbable threads in the tip or nasal fins can compensate for the sagging of the nose tip.. Or reduced the bony shape of the nose.

Nose lift with sutures lasts about 6 months and then collagen and elastin are absorbed into the skin.

Of nose surgery | Treatment of nasal hump after rhinoplasty

Injecting gel or fat into the nose

In this method of removing the nasal hump, fat or filler is injected around the protrusion of the nose. This method is also temporary and the gel injection lasts 6 months and the fat injection lasts 2 years.

Scraping or rapping

Scraping or rapping is a procedure performed without anesthesia. In rapping, scratches are made on the hump and they are scraped on the hump with a serrated metal file.. This method has a number of limitations in beauty.


Rhinoplasty is a permanent procedure performed under anesthesia in rhinoplasty. It requires more care than previous methods and requires more cost.

Ankle sprains are normal during nasal congestion. In general, after reconstructive surgery, the probability of recurrence of nasal hump is very low and rare.


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Of nose surgery

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The importance of proper nutrition after rhinoplasty

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Weight loss after rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty and colds

Use of ice after rhinoplasty

Dental composite after rhinoplasty

Redness of the eyes after rhinoplasty

Redness of the eyes after rhinoplasty

Redness of the eyes after rhinoplasty

Elimination of red eyes after rhinoplasty

One of the problems that occurs after rhinoplasty is redness and bruising of the eyes. Which is a completely normal complication of rhinoplasty and should not be overstated by people; But there are some rumors about it that cause it. People go astray. Does red eye disappear after rhinoplasty? Or permanent

After rhinoplasty, people will experience problems such as bruising and swelling after rhinoplasty, as well as such things.. We usually need to fix the problems that have arisen. To do some tips and instructions. Eliminate or reduce this complication as much as possible so that we can finish the recovery period as soon as possible and get rid of the feelings that cause confusion..

One of the problems that makes rhinoplasty applicants fear is redness of the eyes.. We can boldly say that each person's eyes have the greatest impact on his beauty. And if this organ of the body is defective, it is possible. A person's self-confidence is generally lost and gradually depression or various types of mental illnesses follow for the person.. However, some applicants may not have enough information about rhinoplasty. Believe the rumors that redness of the eyes does not go away after rhinoplasty. And they can not solve their nasal defects using this up-to-date and reliable method.

Know more : Eye swelling after rhinoplasty

The only way for applicants to separate rumors and facts. This is to be able to master the subject matter and have the necessary and sufficient information in all areas. A simple reason to be able to prove that this claim is completely useless.. The point is that if a particular method or action in any field causes too many and acute problems for the client. It cannot be destroyed and it does not get any permission from the relevant ministries. And people can rely on this to ease their mind about it.

Redness of the eyes that occurs after rhinoplasty. Like all complications, this operation will disappear over time and with the implementation of the doctor's instructions during recovery.. All you have to do is be patient. And do not neglect to follow the doctor's instructions for rhinoplasty. To be able to achieve complete and amazing results of rhinoplasty, which is your biggest goal.

Solutions to eliminate swelling and redness of the eyes after rhinoplasty

Redness of the eyes occurs after rhinoplasty and there is a good way to eliminate it that rhinoplasty clients can remove the redness of their eyes by doing it.. One of the things that causes redness or bruising of the eyes after nose surgery is the use of ice packs.. Using ice packs can not only relieve pain but also reduce redness in the eyes.. Clients usually do this on the advice of a doctor, but have no information that this redness eliminates their eyes after rhinoplasty..

کمپرس یخ

To eliminate redness and bruising of the eyes after rhinoplasty, you should use ice packs for a maximum of 48 hours after surgery.. And do not overuse ice packs. Because you may experience small headaches while recovering. Another thing that should be observed by people is that the consumer should not be exposed to sunlight after the operation. It is also recommended to use appropriate sunscreen when you are outdoors..

Use the medication prescribed by your doctor at the appointed time. As well as consumption is emphasized in size. Applicants should be careful to use another person's version, otherwise all problems will be the responsibility of the person himself.. To speed up the elimination of surgical complications such as bruising and redness of the eyes, a gentle walk is also recommended for clients..

Other tips that can help eliminate redness of the eyes as well as swelling in people:

  • Controlling emotions in case of problems
  • Adequate rest
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Avoid smoking
  • Avoid wearing glasses
  • Avoid showering with hot water

Does rhinoplasty reduce vision?

Given the above, you can get enough results from topics about severe injuries or post-operative headaches that are very large.. Rhinoplasty does not affect vision in any way. And it has nothing to do with it. The only problem with cosmetic surgery is the appearance of redness after surgery. They can be easily removed due to proper measures and a specialist rhinoplasty doctor.

nose job is one of the most suitable methods and also has a low complication. Which today can be used to eliminate defects on the nose of people. And took advantage of it. If people can perform this operation under the supervision of a skilled rhinoplasty doctor and also in a reputable clinic, they will undoubtedly have tremendous advantages..

Of nose surgery | Redness of the eyes after rhinoplasty

Some steps that should not be taken to remove redness of the eyes after rhinoplasty

Unfortunately, in our country, people do not even know about the disease or anything like that. Again, they take steps to eliminate it. For example, after doing a nose job, some medications such as acetaminophen and the like are taken to relieve pain as well as redness of the eyes. Bleeding can be consumed.

In addition to the above, other measures and works to eliminate redness of the eyes after rhinoplasty are performed by clients.. The most important of which is to put cold and raw meat on the eyes and around it. People should strictly avoid putting cold as well as raw meat on the eyes after nose surgery.


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Of nose surgery

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The importance of proper nutrition after rhinoplasty

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Weight loss after rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty and colds

Use of ice after rhinoplasty

Dental composite after rhinoplasty

Blood coagulation and rhinoplasty

Blood coagulation and rhinoplasty

Blood coagulation and rhinoplasty

Blood coagulation and rhinoplasty : Blood clotting or clotting of the blood is a process that causes the blood to clot. This process converts fibrinogen to fibrin from both internal and external pathways, activating coagulation factors and platelet aggregation.. Blood coagulation, although blood clotting stops bleeding, and defects in this process are fatal in diseases such as hemophilia, but improper blood coagulation causes heart infarction. (Isfahan Breast Surgeon) And cerebral ischemia and embolism are also involved.

blood test

One of the necessary tests before rhinoplasty is a blood test, which is performed to check for coagulation diseases and other blood problems.

A blood test is done before the nose job and the hemoglobin level in the blood is measured. Hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen to the organs of the body and also returns carbon dioxide to the lungs.. A low hemoglobin level indicates anemia and a low number of red blood cells. For this reason, before surgery, iron supplements are prescribed to the patient in case of anemia at the doctor's discretion.
The prevalence of anemia in people applying for nose surgery is similar to other patients who are candidates for other surgeries, but it can be easily treated. If anemia is diagnosed in time, iron supplements can be used to prepare for surgery and there is no need to delay surgery.. A blood test is done at least three weeks before the surgery so that there is a suitable time to use the supplement.

  • HIV in order to check the contamination of the blood with the AIDS virus
  • HBsAg to check blood contamination with hepatitis B virus
  • Ab HCV in order to check blood contamination with hepatitis C virus

Of nose surgery | Blood coagulation and rhinoplasty

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Of nose surgery

Click to follow the latest educational content and office news on Dr. Majid Rasti's Isfahan Rhinoplasty Instagram page.

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The importance of proper nutrition after rhinoplasty

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Eye swelling after rhinoplasty

Nasal and hypothyroidism

Rhinoplasty without anesthesia

Weight loss after rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty in athletes

Rhinoplasty in athletes

Rhinoplasty in athletes

Rhinoplasty is possible in athletes just like any other person. And this large group of society can, like others, easily refer to one of the professional rhinosurgeons to perform this important operation.. Athletes due to physical activity more than other people, if they want to have their nose surgery, it is necessary to first get detailed advice from Of nose surgery Act on their own.

Necessary measures before rhinoplasty in athletes

It is better for athletes to perform the following steps before performing such an important action:

  • Coordinate your workouts and exercise classes for the postoperative period
  • Taking sick leave if they are in different training camps
  • Announce your diet plan to the surgeon to receive advice from Isfahan Rhinoplasty Surgeon

Of nose surgery | Rhinoplasty in athletes

The most important factor in rhinoplasty in athletes

Given that athletes have a different lifestyle than other people. As a result, doctors try to pay much more attention to the very important care recommendations after rhinoplasty.. These cares are very sensitive and vital in order to get the best results after athletes' rhinoplasty.

Important care after rhinoplasty in athletes include::

  • You should not engage in strenuous activity for 2 to 3 weeks. And after this period, the activities should start gradually
  • If there is a possibility of hitting an object or different people in the sport in question. (That is the case with most sports) Be sure to use a nasal splint for a longer period of time.
  • It is better to do sports exercises separately for a certain period of time and alone. So that the nose is properly welded
    These are actually the most important things that an athlete can do after having rhinoplasty.

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Of nose surgery

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The importance of proper nutrition after rhinoplasty

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Nasal and hypothyroidism

Rhinoplasty without anesthesia

Differences between bony and fleshy noses in surgery

Differences between bony and fleshy noses in surgery

Differences between bony and fleshy noses in surgery

Differences between bony and fleshy noses in surgery : In this article, explanations are provided regarding the difference between bony and fleshy nose surgery. The determining factor of fleshy and bony nose is the thickness of the skin. Bony noses have thin or medium skin and fleshy noses have thick skin. It should be said that naturally, the skin of the lower half of the nose, that is, the part that covers the cartilage, is thicker than the skin of the upper half of the nose, that is, the area that covers the bone..


In bony noses, due to the thinness of the skin, bony details can be seen from under the skin. That is, it is possible if the edges of the bone are broken. touch and see. Also, in the lower half, due to the thinness of the skin, most of the cartilages are strong and firm. And there is less drooping or wideness at the tip of the nose, while in fleshy noses due to the thickness of the skin, cartilage and bone details cannot be seen.. And due to the weight of the skin, the cartilages are often weak and thin. Therefore, in these types of noses, the tip of the nose is flat and wide.

The result of the operation of bony noses

The advantage of the thin skin of bony noses is this. that the artistic action on the hard tissue, i.e. bone and cartilage, is clearly visible, so if the changes are applied correctly and carefully, the result will be very impressive and significant.. In this way, if there is even the slightest defect. For example, if the edge of a bone is slightly sharp, it can easily be seen under the thin skin.

Of nose surgery | Differences between bony and fleshy noses in surgery

Differences between bony and fleshy noses in surgery :

Bony noses are usually a better case for rhinoplasty. But now, with the special techniques and maneuvers that exist, fleshy noses can be operated and a satisfactory and desirable result can be obtained from them.. Meat noses have a thick skin, that's why the operation of meat noses is more difficult. The results of surgery are very different among these noses. Based on this result, the shape of the patient's face undergoes significant changes .

The most important point in nose surgery is the mastery and skill of the surgeon. But it is an important criterion that is very effective in this beauty procedure. The thickness and quality of the meat is sick. As we have already mentioned, what is meant by fleshy nose is that this type of nose has thick skin, and in other words, its skin is oily.. This nose is because it has thick and fat skin. In the past years, surgeons believed that removing a lot of this bone and the cartilage in it would improve the appearance of the nose.. But today, nose surgeons, especially ear, nose and throat specialists, pay a lot of attention to strengthening the elements under the skin, such as bone cartilage.

In fleshy noses, if the underlying elements of the skin are removed too much, wounds will be created. which will lead to scarring and permanent indentation; In this case, the result will not be pleasant. Therefore, people think that the operation of fleshy noses will not have a favorable result. But if the tissue strengthening is considered and the surgery is performed with sufficient mastery and skill, it can have a pleasant result.

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Of nose surgery

Click to follow the latest educational content and office news on Dr. Majid Rasti's Isfahan Rhinoplasty Instagram page.

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Learn how to sleep after a nose job !

The importance of proper nutrition after rhinoplasty

جراحی بینی مردان

The effect of drinking alcohol on rhinoplasty

Eye swelling after rhinoplasty

Nasal and hypothyroidism

Rhinoplasty without anesthesia

Thick skin in nose surgery,,fa,On the other hand, the thick skin easily conceals any small irregularities,,fa

Advantages and disadvantages of rhinoplasty without anesthesia

Advantages and disadvantages of rhinoplasty without anesthesia

What are the advantages and disadvantages of rhinoplasty without anesthesia?

Advantages and disadvantages of rhinoplasty without anesthesia : When we talk about rhinoplasty, some people feel that the benefits of this operation are less and may have more complications, but this statement is completely incorrect and rhinoplasty without anesthesia, like any other operation, has other advantages and disadvantages. May all these advantages and disadvantages, like other actions, be compatible with each other.

One of the advantages of rhinoplasty without anesthesia is that in this type of surgery, the operating time is much shorter than the type of anesthesia, which is important for many people because people do not like to spend a lot of time under the razor. That is why this type of nose surgery can be suitable for such people.
Other advantages of this method include postoperative swelling, which is very small compared to the anesthesia method. In addition, in this method, there is no skin incision in the clomella area, and the person can see completely comfortably in this regard. Refer yourself to a doctor who specializes in rhinoplasty and then benefit from the results of this type of operation.

Know more : Conditions for using rhinoplasty without anesthesia

In order to be aware of the possible side effects of this type of rhinoplasty, you can ask your specialist doctor to acquaint you with these possible side effects during consultations so that you do not have any special worries in this regard and you can rest in peace. Feel free to perform rhinoplasty without anesthesia and express your satisfaction with the results..

One of the disadvantages that can be considered for this operation is that in this method of nose surgery, the size of the nose will not change in any way compared to the previous case and only its shape will be changed.. Many, because they do not want to reduce the size of their nose, refuse to do this operation and leave their nose to a rhinoplasty surgeon without anesthesia..

Of nose surgery | Advantages and disadvantages of rhinoplasty without anesthesia

Rhinoplasty is better without anesthesia or with anesthesia

To choose a method for your nose surgery and know which of these methods will affect your nose the most

It is better to consult a doctor who specializes in rhinoplasty and ask his opinion on this issue

And then make a choice or judge whether these actions are better.

The choice of any of these methods for rhinoplasty is very effective.

For people who want to reduce the size of their nose, nasal surgery is not possible (nose surgery) Used without anesthesia because in this method, the nasal bones as well as its cartilage are operated on, but for those who want to change the shape of their nose, for example, the tip of their nose, rhinoplasty can be performed without anesthesia The patient can do it.

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Of nose surgery

Click to follow the latest educational content and office news on Dr. Majid Rasti's Isfahan Rhinoplasty Instagram page.

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The importance of proper nutrition after rhinoplasty

جراحی بینی مردان

The effect of drinking alcohol on rhinoplasty

Postoperative nasal infection

Eye swelling after rhinoplasty

Nasal and hypothyroidism

Rhinoplasty without anesthesia

Conditions for using rhinoplasty without anesthesia

Conditions for using rhinoplasty without anesthesia

What are the conditions for using rhinoplasty without anesthesia?

What are the conditions for using rhinoplasty without anesthesia?. General anesthesia is the type of anesthesia that people are afraid of and feel that they will not regain consciousness and live after anesthesia; But local anesthesia is a type of anesthesia in different parts of the body, which is only a specific organ. Conditions for using rhinoplasty without anesthesia :
In some cases where people want to make large changes to their nose, a rhinoplasty doctor can not do this without anesthesia because it will make changes in the cartilage and bone of the nose and the doctor can not do without anesthesia. Operate because it may pose a risk to the patient.

Rhinoplasty without anesthesia is usually performed when a person has a condition called underlying. Rhinoplasty without anesthesia is usually performed when a person has a condition called underlying. It should be noted that today, due to the emergence of new anesthetic drugs, people should not worry about general anesthesia because these drugs have fewer side effects..

Of nose surgery | Conditions for using rhinoplasty without anesthesia

It should be noted that people should be able to cope with this fear and overcome it, because rhinoplasty with general anesthesia is easier for a specialist in the field of rhinoplasty, because in this case and during the operation The patient's vital signs are more easily controlled by the physician and the patient's comfort is also considered by the specialist physician and does not distract the physician..

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Of nose surgery

Click to follow the latest educational content and office news on Dr. Majid Rasti's Isfahan Rhinoplasty Instagram page.

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Learn how to sleep after a nose job !

The importance of proper nutrition after rhinoplasty

جراحی بینی مردان

The effect of drinking alcohol on rhinoplasty

Postoperative nasal infection

Eye swelling after rhinoplasty

Nasal and hypothyroidism

Rhinoplasty without anesthesia

Elimination of facial obesity after rhinoplasty

Elimination of facial obesity after rhinoplasty

Measures to eliminate facial obesity after rhinoplasty

Elimination of facial obesity after rhinoplasty : Be careful if you do some of the required postoperative behaviors. You can easily go through the recovery period. For example, one of the most important things to do is to avoid hitting your nose. If a person is hit in the nose after a nose job, the results of the person's operation may change for the better. And also increase its swelling.
But one of the most important actions of people who have entered the recovery period of rhinoplasty. This is to prevent bending for at least a month.

People inadvertently put pressure on their noses when they bend over. This pressure can cause a person to lose their nose function completely in some cases. And irreparable problems arise.

Of nose surgery | Elimination of facial obesity after rhinoplasty

Know more : Rhinoplasty after rhinoplasty

People who have had rhinoplasty should know that they should not use blood thinners after surgery. It is forbidden to use these drugs before rhinoplasty and for two weeks before it is done because these drugs increase bleeding.. By doing this, people can reduce the extra bleeding as well as the swelling of their nose.

On the first day of recovery, people can use cold liquids and use ice packs to relieve pain as well as reduce the swelling of their nose.. Facial obesity caused by swollen nose can. By drinking plenty of fluids, it can be completely eliminated in the recovery period completely and within a certain time..

Finally, we must say that by considering the tips provided and also following the doctor's instructions, the problem of facial obesity after rhinoplasty can be easily eliminated.. And enjoyed the benefits of having a nose job completely.


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Of nose surgery

Click to follow the latest educational content and office news on Dr. Majid Rasti's Isfahan Rhinoplasty Instagram page.

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