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We try our best to have the content to your question ( Tampvl few days had put in his nose? ) The scientific answer, short and give.
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Tampvl few days had put in his nose?
به مدت ۲ تا ۷ روز تامپول بینی باید در بینی بماند ولی این مدت زمان با توجه به شرایط پس از عمل بینی هر بیمار متفاوت است.
Suggested for you:
If you are like other friends who are looking for a good surgeon to do nose plastic surgery You yourself are confused and do not know which one جراح بینی And choose plastic, we suggest you mr Doctor Majid Rasti ardakani Isfahan plastic surgeon and Of nose surgery Choose as your surgeon for your rhinoplasty, without a doubt, this will be one of your best choices because Dr. Majid Rasti is one of the good, skilled, experienced doctors who perform rhinoplasty with high knowledge and experience. They do a lot in this field.