Surgical procedures fleshy nose, you know?

Surgical procedures fleshy nose, you know?

جراحی بینی گوشتی

In the past, surgery, nerves, cartilage was removed too.
As a result of this operation, a lot of empty space and sores on the skin. Usually people think that the skin is removed
But it seems that the removal of the skin, can cause severe wounds,
So this type of surgery is not recommended.

In the new cartilage to strengthen tip بینی, And generally maintain cartilage, done.
Column Cullomella piece of septal cartilage surgery has shaped it and thus, the tip of the nose is better.

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Surgeon in surgery of the nose meat on a bone and cartilage tissue that are more difficult
Works. Meat glands, cartilage weak and thick skin.
By joint cartilage done on the nose and nasal septum thus easily shaped.

It is necessary to carry out a skilled surgeon Nose surgery Choose your meat.
The surgeons who can strengthen weak cartilage.
One of the most useful fleshy nose surgery, therefore it is desirable that after six months of no change
On the nose there will be major and will remain the same.

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جراحی بینی گوشتی

Thick leather around it

In rhinoplasty drivers can be cited a soccer ball, soccer ball bursts when,
Due to thick leather around it, empty it takes some time. This is what the fleshy nose
Happen, because the skin, thick and reducing the size of the nose takes time,
Therefore, patients must wait at least a year to obtain the final result, but usually after 6 months result is stable and does not return.

Doctor Majid Rasti ardakani Plastic surgery, reconstructive and burn at your service.

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