Rhinoplasty with grafts

Rhinoplasty with grafts

Rhinoplasty with grafts

Sometimes in rhinoplasty we need rhinoplasty with a graft to get better results.
This graft is added to the nose so that the cartilage can support the internal structure of the nose and can also be the skin and be used to improve the skin of the nose and the deformities created in an accident..

دکتر مجید راستی – Of nose surgery – Rhinoplasty with grafts

In most cases, for rhinoplasty, the graft is removed from different parts of the body, and this graft is removed during rhinoplasty, sometimes before rhinoplasty.. The cartilage and bone needed for the graft are often removed from the patient's own ears, ribs, and skull, while the skin needed for the graft is removed from the forehead, thigh, or neck. A graft that is removed from the forehead is the best graft for the skin of the nose because its color and texture are more in harmony with the skin of the nose..
How to graft in rhinoplasty How to graft in your rhinoplasty depends on your individual circumstances and needs.

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Rhinoplasty with grafts | Of nose surgery

Rhinoplasty with a graft under anesthesia

In some cases, rhinoplasty performed with a graft is performed under general anesthesia.
Because this type of surgery is very complicated and long. Rhinoplasty usually takes between 1-3 hours.
But if the surgery you request is complicated, it may take longer.
To have rhinoplasty with a graft, the required graft is removed from a part of your body.
The scar or scar is completely invisible and easily covered. In this type of nose surgery is performed with an open method..
That is, a small incision on the outside of the nose (In the Columella section) Is created.
So your surgeon can lift the skin of the nose and get better access to the bone, cartilage and underlying tissues..

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Applications of Cartilage Graft in Rhinoplasty Cartilage graft

-Narrow or highlight the tip of the nose

-Reduce excessive curvature in the contouring nose

-Increase nasal structural support Enlarge nostrils and بینی

Caregivers after rhinoplasty with grafts

If you have a cartilage graft, you should also use an internal splint to support the new graft..
An external splint should also be used to limit swelling of the nose.
In the first days, the feeling of swelling and tightness around the eyes is completely normal, but this swelling subsides after a few days.
The total duration of the internal splint is 5-7 days and the external splint remains for 7-10 days and then it is removed..

In cases where a skin graft has been performed, the speed of recovery will depend on what you have done and the size of the graft.
If stitches are needed, the healing time will be longer. You should take at least 1-2 weeks leave for this surgery.
Of course, this also depends on your individual circumstances, how your body reacts to the surgery and the amount of work you have done.
After surgery, you should not do strenuous exercise or contact for at least 6 weeks after surgery.

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They are ideal for use in surgical scars and scar,fa

دکتر مجید راستی

Of nose surgery

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