Hesitation to perform rhinoplasty

Hesitation to perform rhinoplasty

If you are in doubt about rhinoplasty, read this article!

Hesitation to perform rhinoplasty | Cosmetic surgery or rhinoplasty today is more predictable, accurate and effective than at any other time in its history.. With the right combination of surgical skills, optimal texture and rhinoplasty techniques, you can get a natural and beautiful nose that will beautify the face forever..

Stay with us with informative content دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery :

Of nose surgery | Stress before rhinoplasty

Do you look at your nose every day and think it is suitable for your face or not?

Hesitation to perform rhinoplasty | Although we all know that beauty is relative . And it has been defined in different ways in different periods, but still if we have a big nose . We would like to leave it to the scalpel, so you might say what does it matter . For example, Cleopatra had a big nose in that era and was the epitome of beauty, the beauty standards of our time are different!

The beauty of the nose has an undeniable effect on the beauty of the face, because one of the basic principles of beauty is the proportion and harmony of the facial components . And the beauty of the face will increase the self-confidence and acceptance of the person in the society, maybe according to many, cosmetic surgery is not the right thing . But it all depends on your decision, see why you really want to do this, ask yourself what is your real intention? And honestly find the answer to this question.

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We advise you not to make this decision when you are in an unstable state of mind and do not act hastily.. Sometimes this is just a way to escape from the situation and yourself . Some people have a nose that suits their face, but they go for surgery simply because of a false mental image of their body, fashion, or even lack of self-confidence..

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At the same time, cosmetic surgery or rhinoplasty is a good choice for many . As long as you are realistic and understand your condition and choose the right doctor with full knowledge and care, do the surgery. When you are sure that this job is right for you . And you found a doctor who was confident in his experience and work . Be careful about the type of surgery and the amount of changes you want to make in your nose. Ask your doctor to show you a picture of your nose after surgery using a computer . Of course, keep in mind that factors such as age, sex, racial characteristics, skin thickness, etc… It is effective in achieving the right result.

Hesitation to perform rhinoplasty surgery and remember the following points:

  • Never do this in an inappropriate state of mind.
  • Rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult of all cosmetic surgery procedures and can lead to permanent disfigurement, so choose your surgeon carefully.. Without expertise, experience, technical and artistic skills, it is impossible to get a good result.
  • Rhinoplasty can sometimes dramatically improve its structure and style, sometimes not, and it depends on the type of nose you have, so be realistic..
  • Although you may want a specific style . But know that a nose on someone else's face may look good . It may be ugly or beautiful on your face. One size definitely does not fit all.
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  • All good surgeries have at least one thing in common . And it is a natural look, because the most attractive nose should be in harmony with other features and parts of the face, you should consider this issue..
  • High surgical skills alone do not guarantee a good outcome . Good skin and good health are necessary for a successful cosmetic surgery. Bad genes can ruin even the most skilled surgeries, especially when combined with weak cartilage and skin..
  • A young person with a smooth and bright face, strong nasal cartilage, good skin and general health can get the desired result for a rhinoplasty surgery..
  • A strong and balanced nasal skeleton is the key to lasting beauty and function. Changing the shape of the nose by removing too much of the tip or weakening the nasal skeleton will have unpleasant results. The stability and strength of the nasal skeleton should be maintained or increased. By changing the shape of the tip of the cartilage, resistance or a large part of the cartilage should not be lost.
  • In most cases, a few months after surgery, the nose is swollen and bloated. Even at first, you may be disappointed by looking at it at times. It may take longer, especially if your skin is thick and oily or has a lot of acne..
  • If you insist on having a perfectly flawless nose . You may get a little frustrated and frustrated with this obsession . Because it is difficult to achieve perfection in rhinoplasty. Also, two surgeries in a row can be very risky . And if that's what you imagined . You are not willing to spend all your money and wealth to have your previous nose.
  • Surgical correction is sometimes appropriate to eliminate minor defects . But the risk of this re-surgery and correction in nose surgery is very high. A second operation is recommended only to eliminate minor defects and deformities of the nose or to solve breathing problems.. This modification and re-operation is much more complicated and much more expensive . And most of the time it will be less effective than the first time, so research your options and make a good decision.

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