If a hypothetical line is drawn from the tip of the nose and then we connect a line from the tip of the nose to this line, the angle formed between them should be 30 to 45 degrees.

If a hypothetical line is drawn from the tip of the nose and then we connect a line from the tip of the nose to this line, the angle formed between them should be 30 to 45 degrees.

If a hypothetical line is drawn from the tip of the nose and then we connect a line from the tip of the nose to this line, the angle formed between them should be 30 to 45 degrees.

The most common cosmetic surgeon in Iran and of course around the world, عمل زیبایی بینی Which attracts many fans every day . nose plastic surgery یا rhinoplasty Helps to have a beautiful and well-shaped nose. Rhinoplasty Surgeon By choosing the best form for the nose, it makes the necessary changes during nasal surgery and eliminates the appearance defects of the nose.

Of course the nose may be other than the appearance that it contains Hump و Nasal protrusions, Deviation, skewness, greatness and… becomes other esoteric flaws such as Polyps And also have cramps. انتخاب جراح بینی In addition to having a beautiful nose, it helps you to solve your breathing problems .

This action by Rhinoplasty specialist Is done, requires receiving and detailed examinations by the surgeon so that you can first get acquainted with the type of your nose and its structure, and then estimate the approximate result after the operation. . The surgeon will provide you with all the necessary information about rhinoplasty during face-to-face consultation sessions with him.

Study suggestion
Suture repair after nose surgery

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Reasons for having rhinoplasty

Many people today want to look beautiful and satisfaction in people is important. Therefore, by choosing the right surgeon, problems such as respiratory problems and dissatisfaction can be prevented. . It is better for the patient not to do any operation for a year. Sometimes, due to the person being dissatisfied with his surgery, this operation may be performed three or four times to have the desired result for the person. .

The most common reasons for a person to refer to عمل جراحی بینی ( Rhinoplasty ) Are divided into four categories of nose are:

  1. Patients who Crooked nose دارند .
  2. The second group of patients has a prominent and large pointed nose and thick skin in the term بینی های گوشتی هستند.
  3. Patients with Humpback on the back of the nose و Nasal bone هستند .
  4. The fourth group of patients whose nose twisted است . The worst results are obtained from the surgery of patients with a twisted nose, which is known as the challenge of cosmetic surgery, and the best surgery involves patients with some hump and bony nose. .
Study suggestion
Trauma to the operated nose

In the first and fourth categories the most Respiratory problems There is better to trim the middle septum of the nose. Patients in the third category are more likely to have cosmetic surgery . Better because Shortness of breath And the appearance of pessimism, patients who have بینی گوشتی و Thick skin They should avoid insisting on removing their nose too much .

In order not to have respiratory problems in the principles of rhinoplasty, it is better to have one before the surgery جراح بینی Consult. This has a good effect on an excellent and flawless surgery for the patient .


Study suggestion
Causes of nose itching after rhinoplasty

Instagram of Dr. Majid Rasti

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