How Many Techniques For Surgical Nutrition,fa

How Many Techniques For Surgical Nutrition,fa

To make nasal surgeries more effective for people with a fleshy nose, and better nose specs, special surgical techniques can be used, which include:,,fa,Cartilage transplant to nasal tip and nasal bridge,,fa :

پیوند غضروف به نوک بینی و پل بینی.Because the skin is thicker, it can use cartilage transplants to improve the profile of the nasal tip and nasal bridge,,fa,Reduced fat in soft tissue cover,,fa

کاهش چربی در پوشش بافت نرم.
Thorough and fine thinning of soft tissue fats, especially at the tip of the nose, can help to pinpoint the nose profile.,,fa,Reduce size and fit the overall size of the nose,,fa.

کاهش به اندازه و متناسب سایز کلی بینی.Since thick skin needs more time to heal, it is advisable to use a measurement method to minimize nose. If there is a large gap between nasal and skin skins during surgery, there is the possibility of scarring or excess meat. And as a result, the patient's nose will come loose and unwell,fa.

Study suggestion
Familiarity with nasal projection

Nose structural support,,fa,Thick skin requires a stronger skeleton due to its heavy weight, so it's good to balance the nose and nasal skeletal structure.,,fa.پوست های ضخیم به دلیل سنگینی نیازمند اسکلت بندی قوی تری هستند بنابراین خوب است که بتوانیم تعادلی بین کوچک کردن بینی و حفظ اسکلت بندی بینی برقرار کنیم. When nasal skin rests, having a strong framework makes the nose surface more smooth,,fa,Surgery for all types of skin is a surgical procedure,,fa,However, nose surgery for meaty nose,,fa.

جراحی بینی برای همه ی انواع پوست یک جراحی مشکل است.
با این حال جراحی بینی برای بینی ها گوشتی (Thick skin,,fa,It requires a high level of expertise and experience,,fa,The surgeon should have a good understanding of the amount of nasal congestion to increase the quality of the results,,fa) نیازمند سطح بالایی از تخصص و تجربه است.
جراح باید درک خوبی از میزان کوچک کردن بینی داشته باشد تا بتواند کیفیت نتایج را افزایش دهد.

Study suggestion
Nasal skin after nasal surgery

Doctor Majid Rasti ardakani

فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان، ترمیمی و سوختگی

Address: Iran-Isfahan-Tohid street – Building Alborz

Phone: ۳۶۲۸۱۵۸۵ – ۰۳۱

Phone : ۳۶۲۸۱۵۸۶ – ۰۳۱

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