Proper weight for nasal surgery

Proper weight for nasal surgery

In this article from Dr. Majid Rasti's site جراح بینی And Isfahan Plastics to examine the important issue: We have paid the appropriate weight for nose surgery.

I suggest you read this article to the end and at the end, if you have any questions, send them to Mr. Doctor in the comments section at the bottom of the page..

Many patients before performing rhinoplasty surgery (Rhinoplasty operation) They have questions about the appropriate weight for nose surgery and they inquire about being overweight for the effect of their nose job. In this article, we have decided to discuss the appropriate weight for nose surgery and examine the effects of excess weight on nose surgery.

The effect of obesity and thinness after rhinoplasty

If the question has arisen for you, does losing weight or fatness after nose surgery affect the shape of the nose, we must say that the nose is made up of bone, cartilage and a little fat tissue, and getting fat or losing weight after cosmetic surgery Nose (Rhinoplasty surgery) It has no effect on the appearance of the nose. But if you are overweight after rhinoplasty. Because some fat accumulates around the nose like cheeks and cheeks. The face is shown larger and from the profile view, the patient's nose is shown larger. But this large forward movement of the patient is the reason for the enlargement of the whole face and does not have any effect on the size of the nose.

Study suggestion
Nasal nose surgery in Isfahan


Suitable weight for nose surgery

As mentioned above, to perform rhinoplasty (Rhinoplasty surgery) Also, the patient's weight has no effect on the quality of the nose surgery. But if the patient is overweight. Due to the complications of being overweight, including blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, blockage of blood vessels, and blood lipids. The possibility of creating a risk for nose surgery. (Rhinoplasty operation) There is and it is recommended that the patient should reduce his weight first before deciding to perform nose surgery and after reaching a suitable weight, he should perform rhinoplasty..

Otherwise, and with severe overweight, it is necessary to perform the necessary tests for blood pressure and blood lipids of the patient before surgery, if the doctor deems it appropriate, to measure the risk of heart attack during surgery..

Study suggestion
Dr. Majid Rasti and an example of rhinoplasty

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Doctor Majid Rasti ardakani

Plastic surgery

Of nose surgery

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