What is the problem of breathing after nose surgery?

What is the problem of breathing after nose surgery?

The most important points of breathing problems after nose surgery

Breathing problem after nose surgery | Maybe you are one of the people who recently Nose surgery Did phrases like “help! I can't breathe after the nose job!have heard! Since rhinoplasty has been a popular procedure for decades . Fortunately, the unfortunate scenario of breathing problems after rhinoplasty (Shortness of breath)It rarely happens.

However, breathing problems may occur immediately after surgery or sometimes several years later. Correct diagnosis and finding out the cause of shortness of breath after nose surgery can turn it into a sometimes difficult problem. Fortunately, we live in an era today . that there is a better understanding and new techniques to reduce breathing problems after rhinoplasty.

In this article, we will investigate the cause of shortness of breath after nose surgery and methods to reduce breathing problems after surgery.

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What is the cause of breathing problems after nose surgery?

To investigate the cause of shortness of breath after nose surgery, we will first introduce the first reason, the role of the nasal valve in breathing problems after nose surgery.:

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The role of the nasal valve in breathing problems after rhinoplasty

Nasal valve refers to areas of the air passage in the nose . which create the greatest resistance to air flow. Anything that blocks the nasal passage or causes it to collapse during breathing . It can lead to breathing problems after nose surgery.

The most difficult part of the valve to diagnose and fix breathing problems after nose surgery is the "side wall of the nose".. If you had nasal strips right breathing (Breathe Right) You have tried and experienced improvement in breathing problems after nose surgery . So you are familiar with the effect of the side wall of the nose on breathing.

This part of the nose has very little cartilage for support and is naturally weak. For this reason, the side wall tends to move during normal breathing . and is placed inward. Breathing problems are possible after laser nose surgery . This is because the cartilage support of this area has been removed or weakened during this time.

Failure to repair nasal obstruction

Another reason for breathing problems after Nose surgery This is the doctor جراح بینی It has not properly considered the cases of blockage in the nose . And surgery may increase these blockages and gradually aggravate breathing problems after nose surgery.

The presence of blood clots

The presence of blood clots can also lead to shortness of breath. Of course, it should be checked that this bleeding is not abnormal.

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Fantasy nose shape after surgery

An important point is that the more fancy the nose is, the more likely it is that you will experience shortness of breath after the surgery.. With a little inquiry from people who shape their noses Doll nose have acted . You will know that raising the tip of the nose too much along with reducing the size of the wings too much can play an effective role in the breathing problem after Nose surgery Have.

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Swelling in the mucous membrane

Among other reasons for shortness of breath after nose surgery, swelling in the mucous membrane due to this Allergies or sinusitis. In this case, the person has گرفتگی بینی and feels like he can't breathe.

Create adhesion

Other causes of shortness of breath include nasal congestion. Adhesion is caused by non-healing of cuts and wounds. In this case, the middle blade of the nose sticks to the side walls and the person feels short of breath. Sometimes it is possible that swelling in the nostrils is the cause of sticking.

Creating disproportionate cuts

Creating multiple and close incisions may also cause obstruction and breathing problems after nose surgery. This is possible if the slices are mixed in close proximity . that the wounds stick together during healing.

Not paying attention to the size of the nose

During surgery, the fit of different parts of the face should be considered. If the specialist surgeon does not have enough experience in this matter . May consider the nose blades to be smaller than standard. This can cause breathing problems after nose surgery.

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What is the problem of breathing after nose surgery?

The sound of breathing after a nose job can indicate a respiratory problem. Sometimes people feel shortness of breath and suffocation after nose surgery. Although this problem is rare, it can happen. The good news is that there is nothing to worry about . And there are different treatment techniques for this disorder.

How long does the breathing problem last after nose surgery?

In response to the question "How long does the breathing problem last after nose surgery?" It can be said that breathing problems are possible after closed nose surgery . They are completely different from breathing problems after open nose surgery. Depending on various factors such as surgical method, age, physical characteristics, degree of swelling, etc., the recovery time for respiratory complications of nose surgery will be different for different people. . And it may last up to three weeks or more.

Is it dangerous to have breathing problems after nose surgery?

Although breathing problems after rhinoplasty can be very annoying . But there are different ways to treat them. It cannot be said that breathing problem after nose surgery is dangerous . But since the reduction of blood oxygen level may have risks . If the breathing problem after nose surgery is stable after the operation . You must discuss it with your doctor جراح بینی Present yourself.

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