Nasal and hypothyroidism

Nasal and hypothyroidism

Nasal and hypothyroidism

Nasal and hypothyroidism : Of course, in the case of rhinoplasty, the issue is a little different for people with hypothyroidism. People with hypothyroidism are allergic to anesthetics, and as a result, the use of anesthetics can lower their blood pressure and stop their pulse.. Rhinoplasty is currently available for most people with a specific problem or illness, only at times when the person has a very serious condition and to avoid nose job due to protection and also to prevent any unpleasant events. Becomes. People with very serious illnesses. It is better to refrain from performing rhinoplasty for a while.

Study suggestion
The impact of cosmetic surgery on nasal allergies

After having a nose job for this group of people, they may have a slight delay in regaining consciousness. And this may cause fear in those around you.

Of nose surgery | Overactive nasal and thyroid surgery

Know more : Overactive nasal and thyroid surgery

People with thyroid disease should have blood as well as metabolic tests to have their nose operated on to have a nose job.. After performing these tests and some medical supervision, it can be found out whether the person in question has the conditions to perform a nose job or whether his conditions are not favorable for doing a nose job.. People who have problems with nose surgery after the mentioned tests. They should control or eliminate their problem as soon as possible so that rhinoplasty does not cause them any trouble.. If there is a problem for people due to ignoring the test results. All injuries will be borne by the individual.

Study suggestion
Essential care during the recovery period of nose surgery and facilitating recovery


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Of nose surgery

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