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We try our best to have the content to your question ( The effect of nasal skin thickness in the nose? ) The scientific answer, short and give.
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The effect of nasal skin thickness in the nose?
The thickness of the nose skin is moderate in most people,,fa,The skin is thinner, the faster the skin gets better and shrinks better,,fa.
هر چه پوست نازک تر باشد سریع تر بهبود می یابد و بهتر منقبض می شود. Therefore, most people with very thin skin should expect to see many of their nicotine specifications.,,fa,This has its own advantages, but it may also have disadvantages,,fa.
این امر مزایای خاص خودش را دارد اما ممکن است معایبی نیز داشته باشد. Thin skin perfectly displays the nose profile, but it also reveals very small blemishes,fa.
This problem occurs when your nose is thin and underneath is a very strong cartilage.,fa.
You can easily detect this condition in a person whose entire nasal cartilage is prominent under the skin of the nose.,fa. In special circumstances, with a very thin skin and a very strong skeletal structure, you can use a thin coating on the nasal skeletal system to make the appearance of the nose flater and bumps look milder.,fa.
Suggested for you:
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