What should be done after fancy nose surgery?
After getting your fancy nose job a Splint قرار داده می شود. As a result, you should not wet your face for a while because it loosens the splint. You should use wet wipes. It is better to avoid going to crowded places for a while after the surgery where there is a possibility of damage to the nose.. Avoid. Also, postpone the use of alcohol and tobacco until after the end of the recovery period and avoid consuming these substances during this period..
Also, exposure to the sun and swimming should not be done for a while. Keep in mind that doing the care after fancy nose surgery correctly and the better is effective in the better the result of the surgery.
13 ways to recover quickly after fancy nose surgery
A possible question. After reading these timed items about the healing process Fantasy Rhinoplasty come to mind. Is there a way to speed up this recovery process? In fact, there are many things you can do . until recovery Nose surgery You will be done faster. The following 13 points are helpful in this application process.
۱) According to the doctor's advice جراح بینی Pay attention to yourself.
First and foremost, the doctor's instructions Of nose surgery Follow yourself. You can find 100's of internet articles on the healing process nose plastic surgery, Read. But nothing with that information جراح بینی You will receive. Not comparable. You have specific instructions from جراح بینی You receive . What medicines to take and for what period of time. Take care of the surgical site to prevent infection, and finally, when you should see your doctor again for a follow-up examination.
۲) Listen to your body.
جراح بینی Can be out of your body, how nose plastic surgery which is done . Look, only you know how you feel. So listen to your body . If something is unusual and out of the cases that the doctor told you in the form of normal symptoms after nose surgery. If you feel it, discuss it with your doctor immediately.
۳) Keep your head up.
to sleep to the side after nose plastic surgery Not only is it uncomfortable. It can also prolong the recovery time by causing more bruising and swelling . Scarier that this can even make your nose tilted to one side and eventually crooked. To avoid these cases, you should keep your head up while sleeping for 6 weeks after the operation.
One of the easiest ways to comply with this is this . Put your head between two or three pillows . Or use flexible foam. Sleeping in a medical bed can also be appropriate in the recovery process. If you want to change your sleeping position . and turn your body, you can protect your head with a travel pillow.
۴) Use a cold compress.
In the first 72 hours after surgery, using a cold compress can help reduce swelling. Just be careful not to place the compress directly on your nose. Instead, apply the compress to your cheeks so that you don't accidentally change the bone or cartilage.
۵)Get enough rest.
The congestion you feel after surgery makes it more difficult to sleep, however, rest is an essential part of the recovery process.. Your body uses energy to heal itself, and getting seven or eight hours of quality sleep each night gives your body a chance to restore the energy it needs..
۶) Follow a healthy diet.
What is the connection between eating vegetables and the healing process of the nose? In fact, following a balanced post-operative diet can help improve the process by providing the nutrients needed for recovery.. Protein is an essential building factor for skin, muscle, cartilage and blood.
A diet consisting of nuts, meat, eggs, yogurt, fish and other protein-rich foods will help your body . To restore the damaged tissue inside and around the nose..
۷) stay cool.
A steamy shower, a hot bowl of soup, and a relaxing sauna can make anyone feel their best . But these are not suitable for your swollen nose at all. Heat causes more swelling of the nasal tissues . For this reason, it is better to stick to cool and room temperature foods, take a lukewarm shower and avoid heat in the weeks after the operation when the nose is changing shape..
۸) Don't fin.
After rhinoplasty, you may experience a series of cramps for several weeks, or even months. This feeling is caused by the swelling of the nasal tissues. If you feel like finning to clear your nose, resist it.
After 6 weeks of operation, you can resume finning. What about sneezing? You certainly cannot choose whether to sneeze or not; Instead, try sneezing through your mouth instead of your nose. It seems unpleasant, but better than damaging your fragile nose after Nose surgery And the disorder is during the recovery of the nose.
۹) Don't worry about serious sports.
In most patients, it takes approximately 6 weeks for the nasal bones to heal after surgery Nose surgery improve. During this time, you should avoid vigorous exercise. Even movements that seem harmless, such as excessive stretching, bending, and straightening, can increase nasal swelling.. Wait until your doctor gives you the green light to start normal activities.
۱۰) Do not wear glasses.
Sunglasses, reading glasses or Glasses Anything that puts pressure on your nose can . Increase bruising and swelling . or even cause a depression in which case to do جراحی بینی ترمیمی You find a need.
Rest in peace Rhinoplasty Surgeon If you are sure that your nose is completely healed and the bones are strong, he will allow you to wear glasses. In addition, you can use contact lenses instead of glasses when necessary. Otherwise, use the lightest frames possible. You can also use the splint that is placed on your nose after surgery as a support for glasses in cases of necessity..
۱۱) Avoid the sun.
Avoid overexposure to the sun to protect your skin. Very good advice. But this advice after doing Nose surgery it's too important. Not only in the weeks and months after surgery, your nose is more exposed to sunburn . But too much sun can cause darkness on any wound and increase swelling.
۱۲) سیگار نکشید.
Before and after the operation, it is important not to smoke and avoid exposure to smoke if possible. Nicotine in tobacco products restricts blood flow and can interfere with your body's healing process.
۱۳) be patient!
Perhaps this is the most important point about the process of improving the nose after Fantasy Rhinoplasty باشد. Be patient. You are finally getting better . And you will get the results you want in rhinoplasty surgery. It just takes time. Paying attention to the things mentioned in this article . It does not turn a year-long recovery process into a one-week treatment period . But knowing these points can undoubtedly help to speed up the process of improving the nose and also increase the personal experience of people in this field.
دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery :
- Normal nose before and immediately after surgery
- Necrosis and darkening of nasal skin after rhinoplasty
- Symptoms, secretions, skin color change after rhinoplasty
- Of nose surgery
- How to inject Botox and nose surgery
- Why is it important to clean the nose after surgery?
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