What you should know before surgery of the nose

What you should know before surgery of the nose

Practical nose surgery with good results, but that does not mean that the desired results will be one hundred percent, but projected results according to type will be different and the desired results of about 60-70%. in people who have a thin skin of the nose with the more desirable results than those that would be the nose with the nasal tip and thick skin so a comparison after surgery on the nose with a different skin will have different results. Rhinoplasty practice improves chronic sinusitis, allergies, dry nose, nasal polyps or nightly snoring will not. People who have allergies may aggravate allergies after they, and the people who have severe allergies may not be appropriate surgery. People who undergo the surgery of the nose are on average 10 to 15 percent, they may need a surgery to have it restored again, we say, it's likely more meat on the nose and on the nose bone is less. After surgery and a nose pierced the blades are the same but the meaning would not be that 100% of symmetry will be created. In the people who shape the hole or the size they were before surgery have a huge difference the difference after surgery also may persist. In people who have severe nasal septal deviation or tilt and are more likely to require repair of other people will be. Two weeks before the operation the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory are forbidden, because that causes clotting disorder and bleeding during and after surgery will increase, that these drugs include ibuprofen, naproxen, ایندومتاسین, دیکنوفلاک, glovn, mefenamic acid, aspirin would be. But it is not wrong or simple codamol . It's better than two weeks before the Act of taking expose hookah . Two weeks before the operation the use of vitamin E orally active drugs, herbal supplements, (Herbs) Please refrain. Must be 8 hours of operation of eating solids and liquids from 6 hours before eating avoided. In the event that there was an intense thirst for up to 3 hours of operation, water is not the only case of eating.

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