Cause of eyelash loss after rhinoplasty

Cause of eyelash loss after rhinoplasty

In this article from Dr. Majid Rasti's site جراح بینی And Isfahan Plastics to examine the important issue: Cause of eyelash loss after rhinoplasty have paid.

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There are some patients who are worried about losing their eyelashes after rhinoplasty. In this article, we have decided to deal with eyelash loss after rhinoplasty. Join us.

What causes eyelash loss after rhinoplasty?

عمل زیبایی بینی (Rhinoplasty operation) Like other cosmetic surgeries, there are complications that most of these complications are temporary and there is no need to worry about the patient.. Eyelash loss is also a temporary complication after rhinoplasty that disappears over time after rhinoplasty..

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The reason for eyelash loss after rhinoplasty (Rhinoplasty surgery) Due to the use of eye ointment during anesthesia and then washing the patient's face after surgery with بتادین Some patients experience eyelash loss after surgery due to allergies to eye ointment or betadine..


Of course, as mentioned, this is a temporary case and the volume of eyelash loss is not so much that it causes baldness.. But again, the volume of shedding is obvious to the patient. Which causes the patient anxiety and fear.

But you have to be patient until the eyelashes grow back to their former state.

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In some cases, the patient after rhinoplasty (Rhinoplasty surgery) Suffers from drooping eyebrows. This problem is the same as eyelash loss for the same reasons. Which returns to its former shape with the passage of time and the re-growth of the eyebrows.

Ways to strengthen eyelash growth

You can also use home remedies to strengthen your eyelashes and eyebrows after nose surgery. For this purpose, you can help your eyebrows and eyelashes grow by consuming vitamin E, eggs, olive oil or rubbing rosemary oil, grape seed oil or aloe vera gel..

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So in this article, we found out the cause of eyelash loss after rhinoplasty..

If it is useful, share it with others.

Doctor Majid Rasti ardakani

Plastic surgery

Of nose surgery

For more information turn to the address and hours of operation and registration تماس Visit website.

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