Nasal heaviness after rhinoplasty

Nasal heaviness after rhinoplasty

Nasal heaviness after rhinoplasty

The nose may be numb for a long time after rhinoplasty, what is the cause and solution? Is nasal heaviness normal after rhinoplasty?
The decision to have plastic surgery is very personal. You need to decide whether rhinoplasty will achieve your goals of improving your physical or physical condition, and whether the risks and potential side effects of rhinoplasty are acceptable to you..
If you think that you will continue to have a dangerous rhinoplasty, you should know that this is not the case, because the cosmetologist and the person who is going to perform the rhinoplasty procedure will definitely talk to you about all the aspects ahead so that Away from any stress and worries, you can go through this stage in your life.

Of nose surgery | Nasal heaviness after rhinoplasty

One of the complications of rhinoplasty that you must be familiar with is the feeling of heaviness in the nose after the operation, which is discussed below along with other complications..

Side effects of rhinoplasty surgery

Side effects of rhinoplasty include the following::

Risk of infection, numbness and pain, heaviness in the face and nose, swelling, bruising around the eyes, inflammation and the like. These complications and other conditions before rhinoplasty will be fully discussed in consultation with a plastic surgeon..
In addition to consulting with the surgeon, before rhinoplasty surgery, to reduce such complications, you are asked to perform the relevant tests, before rhinoplasty, limit the use of some medications that the surgeon warns, and smoking and Stop drinking alcohol. Your plastic surgeon will also talk about the location of the operation.

نکات قابل توجه:

If you are looking to perform this cosmetic surgery, be sure to note that in addition to the surgeon's skills and background in this field, the equipment and facilities of medical centers, whether hospitals or clinics, play an important role in reducing complications..

Study suggestion
The establishment of Iran's plastic surgery research and treatment center by Dr. Majid Rasti

Talking to your surgeon about what to expect after rhinoplasty will help you not get excited or stressed about certain events. One of these events is the feeling of heaviness in the nose and heaviness in the face in general.

Immediately after you regain consciousness after rhinoplasty. You will feel that your face and nose are heavy. Due to the presence of tampons inside the nose to prevent bleeding and plaster on the nose, this feeling is completely understandable and is not far from the mind..

Read more : Weight loss after rhinoplasty

In addition to feeling heavy, underwear may make it difficult for you to breathe. With a little patience, it will soon come out of your nose. A general feeling of heaviness due to the presence of plaster on the nose. Due to the time when the surgeon ordered to be at the operation site and then removed, it needs to be tolerated.

Another reason why people feel heavy after rhinoplasty is because of swollen nose. Especially if the swelling is fluid retention, which is a normal postoperative process. You will feel heavier, to reduce this type of swelling and heaviness, it is recommended that you eat low-salt foods because the sodium in your salt will increase fluid retention..

How long will the feeling of heaviness in the nose accompany the person?

One or two days after your rhinoplasty, your doctor will make an appointment for you. In this session, in addition to cleaning the nose after rhinoplasty, tampons will also be removed. Removing tampons, in addition to making it easier for you to breathe, will relieve the feeling of heaviness..
Bruising and redness around the eyes and face will also be with you for a short time after the nose job. The main cause of the feeling of heaviness, namely nasal plaster, is often removed by a doctor about a week later.

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بهترین جراحی زیبایی بینی

By removing the plaster, you can return to your normal life and work routine by observing some tips. However, depending on your doctor and your condition, this period may be more than a week.

Rhinitis caused by the tissues trying to repair it. Or fluid retention will gradually decrease in the first month. It generally takes a year. So that the nose is completely without any swelling and shows itself in the way you want.

Ways to prevent complications such as nasal congestion and عمل after surgery

As mentioned, a splint is possible during the healing process of rhinoplasty. Place it inside your nose and place a splint or bandage on the outside to support new structures during initial healing and then remove..
Also, swelling after rhinoplasty nose surgery often subsides within a few weeks. Of course, this swelling can last up to a year. During this time you may notice gradual changes in the appearance of your nose as this will lead to permanent results.


Swelling may come, go, and get worse during the first year after rhinoplasty surgery. You will be given specific instructions that prevent such offers and include the following:

You should definitely reconsider how you sleep and keep your head above the heart, use a special pillow or two to three pillows under the head. Be sure to follow the instructions for eating during the recovery period. Eating a healthy, low-salt diet during this time is important for recovery. Limit strenuous exercise and activities that cause stress. Avoid getting the dressing and plaster wet from washing and makeup. External sutures should be kept clean and dry. If insoluble sutures are used in external incisions, they should be removed within 5 to 7 days after surgery..

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the pain:

The amount of pain and discomfort associated with surgery will be mild to moderate. Pain is easily reduced with painkillers. Tylenol with codeine (Or equivalent if there is a sensitivity to codeine) In general, it is always enough to control the pain. So cope with the pain and take the medication on time. Avoid taking blood thinners in the first few weeks after rhinoplasty. A healthy lifestyle and protection of the nose from the sun will help improve the results of your appearance.

Concluding remarks

The results of rhinoplasty will be long lasting. While the initial inflation subsides within a few weeks. It may take up to a year for the nose to be completely repaired and the rhinoplasty results to be visible. During this time you may notice gradual changes in the appearance of your nose as this will lead to a more permanent result.

After rhinoplasty, as your body ages, it is normal for some gradual changes to occur in your face, including your nose. But most of the results of your nose job should be relatively permanent. With these tips in mind, take care of yourself after rhinoplasty.


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Of nose surgery

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