Psychology in nose surgery

Psychology in nose surgery

Nose surgery from a psychological point of view

Psychology in nose surgery | At any time, according to the geographical location and ethnic and cultural values ​​of their society, people use different tools and solutions to achieve beauty.. Beauty is a relative thing. And everyone wants to get the most out of it. With the advancement of medical science and related tools and equipment, plastic surgery has found its place to repair various lesions. And today, people use it to increase their beauty, and the practice of beauty has become very popular.

In terms of performance, apart from skill, nose surgeons must have high creativity because surgery is for beauty and the doctor's skills are the factor of success, and the power of aesthetics is very important. Of nose surgery can be considered an artist doctor.

Every year, a large number of cosmetic surgeries are performed in Iran, among which nose surgery accounts for the most statistics..

Of nose surgery | Tilting of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty .

Suggested content Of nose surgery دکتر مجید راستی :

Psychology in nose surgery

If you ask those who are planning to do rhinoplasty why they want to do this operation, the answer may be the same: "We want to have a more beautiful nose". Of course, some may also want their breathing to improve. But if you ask why you want to have a more beautiful nose or what is meant by a beautiful nose, the answers will certainly not be the same..

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If the answer to these two questions were the same as the previous question, the work would be much easier for the surgeon and the patient.

What is body deformity disorder?

In psychology, there is a disorder called body deformity, which is a kind of somatic disorder (Somatoform) است. In these people, there is a constant mental feeling that their body and appearance are ugly; Although their appearance is natural or almost natural. Some people who perform cosmetic procedures suffer from these disorders, and even if these people perform cosmetic procedures with the best results, they will still not feel satisfied with themselves..

Of nose surgery | Tilted nose surgery

Psychology in nose surgery

The motivation of people to perform this action is very different and in some cases unknown to him. It can be said that the best motivation is to have a better face and feel better about yourself.

In fact, the person himself has a clear and reasonable reason for himself. Some people expect from this surgery to improve their working or private life conditions, or they succumb to the operation due to pressure or encouragement from others, of course, these are not reasonable expectations to a large extent, and their non-fulfillment may lead to his dissatisfaction after the surgery..

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It should be kept in mind that the results of surgery are never 100% perfect and sometimes there may be problems. If these defects are major and significant, they must be removed by a surgeon, but some defects are small and often do not need to be corrected..

During the consultation sessions, the surgeon must perform a detailed mental assessment of the patient and if he detects the following in him, he must refrain from doing it.:

۱- Having unclear or irrelevant motivations, such as hope for success in work and life after surgery.
۲- Having unrealistic expectations such as changing the entire face or creating a 100% perfect nose
۳- Having personality disorders such as obsession, narcissism, aggression, depression, etc

Reasons for the need for nose surgery

One of the important reasons for people who have nose surgery is to increase self-confidence. It is better for a person to work on himself in terms of personality and put the nose as the last option. Make sure that you are not one of the following people and if you are, be sure to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist before the operation.

1- Self-illness: In this disease, despite the fact that the appearance of the nose and body is not bad, the person assumes that he is worse than what he is and seeks numerous cosmetic surgeries. If it is the first time for the person, sometimes the doctor does not understand..

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2-obsession: These people are perfectionists and they want their noses to have no defects. They annoy themselves as well as the doctor..

3- Improvement of life problems with nose surgery : Sometimes we see that a person has many problems in life . And he is unsuccessful in them and wants to start a change in life with nose surgery. An example is that woman whose husband has taken another wife and wants to do a nose job . In order to prove himself, we had a wrestling hero who was a young boy . And due to lack of financial success, he wanted to operate his nose . and leave the ship and start a new life.

Of nose surgery | انتخاب جراح بینی ..

In which people does nose surgery increase self-confidence?

In people whose nose appearance is really problematic. For example, people who have very large or asymmetrical noses can undergo rhinoplasty . lead to an increase in their self-confidence.

We recommend it to people who feel dissatisfied with the appearance of their nose . First, consult a nose surgeon . Is there a problem with the appearance of their nose as they think? And if the specialist doctor determines that the appearance of their nose is not a problem . And there is no need for surgery, they can get help from a psychologist to overcome this feeling of dissatisfaction in themselves.

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