What are the risks of septoplasty surgery?

What are the risks of septoplasty surgery?

Risks of septoplasty surgery

The decision to undergo septoplasty surgery is completely personal. If the advantages of this surgery are acceptable compared to its disadvantages, this surgery can be considered suitable for the individual.

Surgeons and medical staff give detailed explanations to the patient about the problems after surgery. The patient will be asked to sign consent forms. Signing this form means that the patient has found enough information about the type of surgery and the risks and problems after the surgery. Possible risks and complications of septoplasty surgery include the following but are not limited to these and can be more extensive:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • عفونت
  • incomplete restoration
  • Dangers of anesthesia
  • The presence of symptoms of nasal deviation even after the operation
  • Making a hole or an inlet in the nasal septum
  • Changes in the shape and appearance of the nose
  • Loss of sense of smell
  • Temporary numbness in upper gums or teeth
  • Hematoma ( Accumulation of blood in the nasal cavity)

In the counseling session, the patient is fully informed about the mentioned risks and other complications that may occur after this surgery.. It is very important to share all the patient's questions with the doctor. It is possible that after this surgery, other surgeries will be needed to solve some secondary problems.

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Isfahan nose surgeon What are the complications of nasal deviation surgery?

Septoplasty and rhinoplasty

because nose deviation It also changes the appearance of the nose and may not cause any problems for the function of the nose, some people nose deviation They confuse it with a crooked nose .

Therefore, distinguishing these two from each other is the responsibility of the nose surgeon . Crooked nose surgery is part of rhinoplasty Septoplasty It is considered a therapeutic nose surgery .

In the event that جراح بینی , to confirm the deviation of the nose, the patient should undergo surgery for the deviation of the nasal septum. According to the patient's request, septoplasty and rhinoplasty can be performed simultaneously.

Care after septoplasty

  1. You can use an ice compress to remove swelling and bruising of the nose after septoplasty.
  2. Avoid heavy sports for 4 to 6 months .
  3. In the first few days, avoid consuming foods that require chewing, so follow a soft diet.
  4. The nose should not be hit .
  5. Avoid smoking and other types of tobacco for at least 3 weeks.
  6. Medicines prescribed by جراح بینی Consume regularly and on time.
  7. Observance of post-surgery care for nasal septum deviation is completely similar to post-nose surgery care .
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Because in both cases nose surgery is done and only the purpose of nose surgery is different. Don't risk doing nose related surgeries and one Good and skilled nose surgeon choose because the occurrence of any complications can affect the patient's respiratory function.

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The result of nasal deviation surgery

The wounds caused by the surgery heal quickly and the person's breathing improves in a short period of time after the surgery. However, the overall recovery process can be short. It may take a year for the complete repair of the cartilage and other tissues of the nose until the final shape of the nose is determined.

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Many patients who undergo this surgery usually see the disappearance of the symptoms of nasal deviation after the surgery. In some rare cases, cartilage and nasal tissue change position over time and may block the nasal passage. In these cases, it is necessary to perform secondary surgery and correct the nose and nasal septum again.


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