Example of male rhinoplasty by Dr. Majid Rasti
Example of male rhinoplasty by Dr. Majid Rasti . Stay with us :
The mesh inside the nose is not very large and painful, and contrary to patients' expectations, removing it will not be accompanied by severe pain.
Bruising of the face and eyes may or may not occur at all, but if it occurs, it will go away in 1 or 2 weeks..
Bruising of the face and eyes may or may not occur at all, but if it occurs, it will go away in 1 or 2 weeks. (Not on the nose ) It should be noted that the first day of this compress is cold and the second day of the compress does not need to be warm from the third day.
The remaining time of the mold on the nose is about a week, during which time you should avoid wetting the mold, but there is nothing wrong with washing the body and head as long as it does not loosen the mold..
After rhinoplasty, the ointment should be applied on the sutures and inside the nose 3 times a day. After rhinoplasty, the ointment should be applied on the sutures and inside the nose 3 times a day .
An example of a natural female nose at the end of the operation :
- Medications used after rhinoplasty
- Tetracycline ointment after rhinoplasty
- Restoration of the stitches after rhinoplasty
- Expectations scars and scarring after surgery,fa