Complication of runny nose after nose surgery

Complication of runny nose after nose surgery

Runny nose after nose surgery

Runny nose after rhinoplasty is one of the side effects that may occur temporarily in some candidates for rhinoplasty after the procedure.. But before entering the causes of this event and how to manage it, Dr. Majid Rasti, Isfahan Rhinoplasty Specialist , provides information about runny nose after rhinoplasty.

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Runny nose after nose surgery

Several key factors are involved in runny nose:

۱ . The inner lining of the nose contains different types of mucous glands. This mucus plays several important roles in your health. It lubricates the nasal mucosa and sinus passages . and prevents it from drying out. Also, mucus traps bacteria and other pollutants in the nose and sinus passages before they enter the lungs and other parts of the body.. This mucus contains antibodies, enzymes and proteins . which can protect the body against these invading agents.

۲ . As much as this mucus is good, but when the nerves that support these mucus producing glands . become overactive, the glands produce more than the body's need for this mucus, and as a result, the excess amount of mucus comes out of the nose in the form of a runny nose..

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۳ . Runny nose is only part of this problem. In some people, this complication is a symptom. In others, it can be related to mucosal inflammation. This inflammation can cause blockage of the nasal passages . And a runny nose occurs as one of its symptoms.

۴ . Runny nose is sometimes related to seasonal allergies or other allergens. Certain things such as foods, alcoholic beverages, or hormonal changes, temperature changes, and environmental stimuli such as dust or cigarette smoke can affect a runny nose..

Is a runny nose after nose surgery considered as one of the side effects?

A runny nose is not a long-term side effect of rhinoplasty and usually resolves completely after a month.. If the runny nose persists for more than a month after rhinoplasty, it may be caused by factors such as allergens or sensitivity, and in this situation, special treatments are needed.. Some patients experience a runny nose when eating hot food after rhinoplasty. Of course, such cases are rare and easily treatable.

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How to prevent a runny nose?

The occurrence of runny nose as one of the temporary side effects after rhinoplasty can occur due to seasonal allergies in some patients.. Another cause that can be attributed to a runny nose is the numbness of the nose after surgery. Of course, note that this complication is temporary . And after a short period of time, it will be fixed by itself.

As one of the care instructions after nose surgery, the doctor prescribes rinsing the nasal passages using saline 4 times a day to relieve and reduce runny nose..

If the cause of runny nose is seasonal allergies, the doctor prescribes the use of some anti-allergy tablets to overcome this stage.. Of course, it should be noted that anti-allergic drugs, due to influence . The result of rhinoplasty is often avoided. Therefore, the doctor's recommendation to control this side effect after the operation is more focused on washing the nose.

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How to treat a runny nose?

Some think that maybe this complication has become a part of their life and they have to be involved in it regularly. As we mentioned above, runny nose is a temporary thing and it will be fixed over time. Of course, there are measures you can take to control a runny nose:

  1. Use nasal sprays and antihistamines. Antihistamines can help treat a runny nose, which is generally caused by allergies . and have made your nasal mucosa sensitive, help.
  2. The importance of drinking fluids is that it can help prevent nasal dryness. Because a dry nose causes the body's reaction to become overactive and uncontrollable, and it produces too much mucus. Therefore, by keeping the body hydrated by drinking enough water and other liquids, you can help prevent the occurrence of nasal dryness and irritation of the glands that produce mucus and eventually a runny nose..
  3. Rinsing the nasal passages with saline solution can also have a similar effect. Saline washing solution will moisten the nasal passages and prevent the irritation of the glands covering the nasal lining and ultimately reduce mucus production..
  4. Identifying factors that cause nasal irritation . It can also help manage a runny nose. Potential strategies such as identifying allergens and avoiding them can be effective.

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