Sample of semi-fancy nose surgery by Isfahan rhinosurgeon

Sample of semi-fancy nose surgery by Isfahan rhinosurgeon

The final part of semi-fantasy rhinoplasty by Isfahan rhinosurgeon In the operating room


دکتر مجید راستی
Specializes in plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery
The Secretary of the Congress of plastic surgeons years 2011
A legal practitioner and expert medical system for 10 years in the field of plastic surgery offences review
Member of society of plastic surgeons and the beauty of Iran
Member of the American Society of plastic surgeons and aesthetic
Head of Plastic Surgery Research and Treatment Center of Iran

Address: Isfahan, at the end of Mardavij Street (Sheikh Klini), No. 21 North
Phone : ۳۶۶۹۲۰۰۰ – ۳۶۲۸۱۵۸۵ – ۳۶۲۸۱۵۸۶ ( ۰۳۱ )