Correction of nasal dysfunction simultaneously with rhinoplasty

Correction of nasal dysfunction simultaneously with rhinoplasty

بررسی اصلاح اختلالات عملکرد بینی همزمان با جراحی زیبایی بینی

حدود ۲۰٪ از بیمارانی که برای جراحی زیبایی بینی مراجعه می نمایند. از اختلال عملکرد بینی شکایت دارند. ۸۰٪ دیگر از گرفتگی بینی ، ترشحات بینی ، ترشحات پشت حلق ، خروپف ، خستگی صبحگاهی ، دشواری در تنفس ، شکایت های آلرژیک بینی ، شکایات سردرد هنگام تنفس طولانی مدت از راه بینی و همچنین اختلال در شکل بینی رنج می برند. یکی از مهمترین اهداف در جراحی زیبایی بینی ، اصلاح اختلالات عملکرد بینی است. از بین بردن سایر مشکلات بینی ، به ویژه انسداد بینی مهم است. اگر در غضروف بینی انحنای استخوانی وجود داشته باشد. برداشتن آن حین عمل زیبایی بینی ، انسداد بینی را برطرف می کند. کاهش ضخامت پوست در بینی های بزرگ و گوشتی نیز تنفس را راحت تر می کند.

وجود آدنوئید (لوزه سوم) ، که بیشتر در کودکان مشاهده می شود. But in adults, it is sometimes the cause of nasal obstruction, it can be removed during rhinoplasty. In people who complain of headache, nasal discharge or discharge from the back of the throat and nose. ممکن است جراحی زیبایی بینی و سینوزیت همزمان با حضور سینوزیت مزمن انجام شود.

شکایت از خروپف در خواب یک بیماری شایع است. یکی از مهمترین دلایل خروپف مشکلات بینی است و در عین حال می توان این مشکل را برطرف کرد.
نباید فراموش شود؛ زیبایی بینی نه تنها با هدف اصلاح فرم بینی بلکه با هدف اصلاح عملکردهای بینی نیز انجام می شود ، عملی که در آن سایر مشکلات مربوط به بینی به طور همزمان برطرف می شوند.

افرادی که نیاز به جراحی زیبایی بینی ندارند و تنها برای رفع مشکلات عملکرد بینی تحت عمل جراحی قرار میگیرند ، هزینه جراحی بینی متفاوتی پرداخت خواهند کرد. این نوع جراحی ها اغلب تحت پوشش بیمه قرار خواهد گرفت.

Correction of nasal dysfunction simultaneously with rhinoplasty | Of nose surgery

آیا راهکاری برای ترمیم جراحی زیبایی بینی ناموفق وجود دارد؟

Unsuccessful nose surgery has certain characteristics. The most common feature is that the tip of the nose and the blade of the bridge of the nose appear to be separate pieces. This is often because too much of the bones behind the nose have been removed. Another characteristic of unsuccessful rhinoplasty surgery is the thin and small tip of the nose. This is again the result of excessive destruction of the cartilage of the tip of the nose. However, the cartilage with a very important reference point at the tip of the nose must remain intact in a certain dimension.

Sometimes I see that all these cartilages have been removed and the nose is apparently compressed. Another bad feature of the nose is that sometimes the tip of the nose is too upturned so that when you look at it from the front, the inside of the nostrils is visible.. In women, the nose should have a maximum angle of 100-110 degrees with the lips. In men, this angle can be 90-100 degrees. In male patients, the bridge of the nose should not be curved.

درصورتی که افراد از نتیجه جراحی قبلی راضی نباشند. جراحی بینی ثانویه یا جراحی ترمیمی توصیه می گردد.
در واقع جراحی ترمیم بینی فرصتی است. که بیماران برای اصلاح مجدد فرم بینی انجام می دهند و مهارت و تخصص جراح بسیار مهم است.
هرچه تعداد جراحی های ترمیمی افزایش یابد ، اصلاح از نظر فنی دشوارتر می شود. و احتمال موفقیت کاهش می یابد.
Therefore, it is recommended to make sure of the skill of the surgeon before deciding to perform nose surgery in order to save the cost of nose surgery.

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Long nose tip surgery

Bodybuilding after rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty naturally

Long nose tip surgery

Long nose tip surgery

Long nose tip surgery

A long nose tip is not pleasant for anyone and affects the facial expression. Even though you have beautiful eyes, you can't show it or make up because of the long and misshapen nose. Even if you make it up properly, you will still not succeed in showing your beauty.

In short, you cannot fix your beauty with makeup. This situation is not good for anyone. If you are concerned about your beauty, start correcting your nose right now. Read the full information in this article, then make the final decision according to your own conditions.

For some people, the only problem with their nose is that the tip is cracked, which happens due to reasons such as heredity, aging, or an accident..

The operation of the tip of the nose is done from the inside and the surgeon makes the necessary changes on the bone and cartilage. To repair the tip of the nose, strong cartilage is grafted to the cartilage of the tip of the nose to strengthen it.

Nose correction in this case is simple and the recovery period is less than other methods. In the following, you will learn more about all the details of this operation.

Who can perform long tip nose surgery?

This procedure is for those who do not have any problems with their nose structure. The prominence of their nose is smooth and only the tip of their nose is problematic.

This practice is suitable for those who:
  • Thinning of the tip of the nose
  • Changing the angle of the tip of the nose
  • Nose tip repair for those who have already had surgery
  • Deformation of nasal structures

Long nose tip surgery | Of nose surgery

The duration of the recovery period after nose tip surgery

Nose tip surgery for long noses is easy and has a shorter recovery period, so you can return to your daily activities in a short period of time..

You can return to your activities after 7 days. It may last for 1-2 months. Complete recovery and seeing the results of the surgery can be achieved in 6 to 12 months, depending on your condition.

Things you should pay attention to after nose tip surgery include the following:

  • Use a spray to clean and moisturize the nose.
  • Use a cold water compress to reduce the swelling.
  • Avoid doing heavy activities.

The price of long nose tip surgery

The price of rhinoplasty is determined according to the patient's condition, for example, removing the hump of the nose with nose tip surgery has different prices.. These prices are determined by the surgeon's fee, your condition, the surgeon's team, the cost of anesthesia, and the cost of the clinic or hospital.

The only way to find out how much your nose surgery will cost is to consult with a surgeon to give you an estimate based on the examinations he performs..

Complications and risks of nose tip surgery

The long nose tip surgery does not have such risks because the nasal bone is not broken during this operation. Therefore, its recovery period is less and there is less risk of swelling, bruising and bleeding.

Age limit for nose tip surgery

Nose growth in girls until the age of 16 and in boys until the age of 18. If necessary, girls after 16 years old and boys after 18 years old can do this surgery. There are no contraindications for nose surgery for the elderly.

Does the tip of the nose remain scarred after surgery?

In nose tip surgery, an open method is used so that a small incision is made between the nostrils. This wound will be unnoticeable.

Of course, depending on the skin type, this scar may fade sooner in some people and be a little noticeable in some people. After the operation, the surgeon will give you gel or cream, depending on the type of skin.

How is the swelling and bruising after long nose tip surgery?

In the past, there was a lot of swelling and bruising for cosmetic procedures, but today, thanks to new techniques, these complications have decreased. Critical measures taken during surgery are effective in preventing or minimizing swelling and bruising. But even though these measures are taken, depending on the condition of the patient or allergy, you may have swelling and bruising within a period of one week to 10 days..

Does the operation of the tip of the nose affect the sense of smell?

The question that we are asked most often is about the sense of smell in the operation of the elongated tip of the nose. In answer to this question, we must say that the part to be operated on is far from the place where the sense of smell works, and in other words, no incision is made in that place..

Rhinoplasty naturally

Rhinoplasty naturally

Rhinoplasty naturally

Have you lived your whole life with your nose and no doubt you want to change it and you want to know what a normal nose operation is like?

You may not like the length of your nose or the bumps on it right now. You may not like the length of your nose or the bumps on it right now.

In the following, we will talk about natural rhinoplasty in full. In the following, we will talk about natural rhinoplasty in full.

In the following, we will talk about natural rhinoplasty in full

A normal nose means a nose that fits the lines of your face and at first glance does not pay attention to aspects of the nose, or in other words, a normal nose means no abnormal lines such as a pointed or upward nose..

The purpose of this operation is to correct the defects of the nose, and if it has a hump, they will fix it and give it a proper and good shape, or if it has a sagging nose, it will give it a proper and good shape..

جراح بینی را تا حد متعادلی به سمت بالا می کشد و با انجام جراحی بینی سعی می کند مشکلات تنفسی و انحراف بینی را اصلاح کند.

Pulls upwards in a balanced way and tries to correct respiratory problems and nasal deviation by performing nasal surgery.

As you know, postoperative care affects the outcome of the operation and shortens the recovery period. As you know, postoperative care affects the outcome of the operation and shortens the recovery period.

Important advice on natural postoperative nasal care:

  • Important advice on natural postoperative nasal care.
  • You should use a nasal tampon to prevent sticking inside the nose.
  • You should use a nasal tampon to prevent sticking inside the nose.
  • You should use a nasal tampon to prevent sticking inside the nose.
  • The best foods to speed recovery are pineapple and celery juice, so drink these two juices every day for the first week..
  • The best foods to speed recovery are pineapple and celery juice, so drink these two juices every day for the first week.. The best foods included in the first week: The best foods included in the first week


  • The best foods included in the first week.
  • The best foods included in the first week

We recommend that you do not rush into rhinoplasty and consult with your surgeon and ask your questions.. The surgeon's job in the first stage is to give you a sense of certainty about the outcome of rhinoplasty.

You should also spend some time looking at the before and after pictures, researching the surgical procedure and recovery, because the more you increase your knowledge in this area, the less experience you will have than what you are going to do during recovery..

Rhinoplasty naturally | Of nose surgery

Am I a good candidate for rhinoplasty?

Am I a good candidate for rhinoplasty?.

Am I a good candidate for rhinoplasty?:

  • Am I a good candidate for rhinoplasty?.
  • Your nose is crooked and messy.
  • Your nose is crooked and messy.
  • Your nose is crooked and messy.
  • Your nose is crooked and messy.
  • Your nose is crooked and messy.

What method is used for natural nose surgery?

What method is used for natural nose surgery?. What method is used for natural nose surgery?.

Closed natural rhinoplasty

Closed natural rhinoplasty. Closed natural rhinoplasty.

Using this method has its own advantages:

  • Using this method has its own advantages.
  • Using this method has its own advantages.
  • Using this method has its own advantages.
  • Using this method has its own advantages.
  • Using this method has its own advantages.
  • It is the best method for those who do not have many problems with their nose.
  • It is the best method for those who do not have many problems with their nose.

It is the best method for those who do not have many problems with their nose

Open nasal surgery is performed on the nose and one of the advantages of this method is that the surgeon's hand is open for surgery.. The surgery is performed in such a way that one incision is made in the inner edges of the nose and the second incision is made between the two nasal tubes.. Using these incisions, the surgeon can remove some of the skin from the underlying bone and cartilage.

This technique is mostly used to eliminate asymmetry in the nasal tubes and cartilage transplantation in different parts and is more used for those whose nose has wide problems..

Bodybuilding after rhinoplasty

Bodybuilding after rhinoplasty

Exercise after rhinoplasty

The nose is one of the most common facial features that both men and women seem to be equally dissatisfied with. Whether it is large or very small, crooked, drooping, or anything else in between, it can negatively affect how a person feels about their overall appearance..

Nose surgery (nose plastic surgery) It can be a life-changing way to increase a person's self-confidence by having a perfectly balanced face.

It is very challenging for athletes to operate the nose; Because exercising after surgery is an important question, can we exercise after surgery? How much will we be able to exercise after surgery?

Although exercise will not have a negative effect on your end result, it may cause more swelling immediately after exercise that will subside over the next few hours.. Most rhinoplasty patients return to their regular exercise program within 3-4 weeks after surgery.

In this article, we are going to talk about post-rhinoplasty bodybuilding exercise so that dear athletes can have rhinoplasty without any worries with complete information..

Time to start bodybuilding after rhinoplasty

A common question among rhinoplasty applicants is when can I resume bodybuilding after rhinoplasty? Since not all exercises are the same and not all rhinoplasties are the same, this article will be used as a general guide..

Bodybuilding after rhinoplasty | Of nose surgery

The first week after rhinoplasty

Patients are limited to walking at a slow pace. Hypertension is critical here; Because it can cause epitaxy, swelling and displacement of the nose.

The second week after rhinoplasty

The patient can engage in limited exercise by focusing on weights. Patients should do 25% of their usual weight training and 25% of their exercise repetitions. Special care should be taken to limit heart rate.

You should avoid inversions in activities such as dog down in yoga. Cardiovascular activity should be limited at this stage.

Third week after rhinoplasty

Weightlifting can now be increased to 50% of regular exercise weights to 50% of regular exercise weights.. Inversion should also be limited in downward dogs.

Cardiovascular activity can resume at a rate of 50%. That the heart rate remains limited. At this stage, patients should avoid shaking their noses and running.

Time to start bodybuilding after rhinoplasty

Fourth week after rhinoplasty

In the fourth week you can increase weightlifting to 75% of normal weights and now up to 75% of repetitions..

Patients can start inversion in yoga like a downward dog and progress if there is no swelling in the nose..

Your activity can be increased to 75% of your regular workouts while you still have to avoid running at this point.. Patients should pay attention to the swelling to see if there will be swelling in the nose after exercise, and avoid doing these activities until next week..

Fifth week after rhinoplasty

Weightlifting can now be done with natural weights and repetitive exercises to the level before surgery. Weightlifting can now be done with natural weights and repetitive exercises to the level before surgery.

You can resume most bodybuilding activities as you did before surgery, and you may be able to run slowly at this stage..

Patients should relate the degree of swelling to work. Patients should relate the degree of swelling to work. To relieve some of the swelling by encouraging venous flow and lymphatic drainage, and normally balances the amount of swelling already seen.

Contact sports should be avoided for at least 6 months. And for athletes who participate in sports with the possibility of potential contact such as football, basketball, etc.. They must use the mask with their doctor's permission.

The effect of hypothyroidism on nasal function

The effect of hypothyroidism on nasal function

The effect of hypothyroidism on nasal function

Rhinoplasty is very important for those who have a disproportionate nose to their face, that is why they should perform many tests before nose surgery to find out if there is a problem in the body that causes nose problems after the operation..

One of the issues that cause problems in nose surgery is hypothyroidism in a person's body. In this article, we will talk about the effect of hypothyroidism on rhinoplasty. Stay with us in the rest of the article to learn about thyroid-related problems.

Effects of thyroid on the body It is known that hypothyroidism affects the ears, nose and throat. The most common symptoms of rhinitis (Inflammation of the nasal mucosa) It is related to hypothyroidism, nasal obstruction and rhinorrhea, which is caused by the increase of submucosa connective tissue and hypertrophy of mucous glands..

Rhinoplasty for people with hypothyroidism

One of the questions that candidates for nose surgery (رینوپلاستی) Those who have an underactive thyroid ask that: How is rhinoplasty in a person with a history of hypothyroidism? (The answer we have given below is the result of research and experiences of great cosmetic surgeons in the world.)

If your thyroid levels are stable and normal over a period of 3-6 months, your recovery from rhinoplasty should be normal and similar to someone without hypothyroidism, but you should definitely talk to your primary care doctor or endocrinologist about your medical condition. did.

Hypothyroidism and rhinoplasty

As long as you are under treatment for your thyroid and your thyroid levels are relatively normal, there are no other risks involved in rhinoplasty.. If you have a very high thyroid level, it will bring the greatest risk; Because this puts you at risk of fainting.

The effect of hypothyroidism on nasal function | Of nose surgery

Rhinoplasty for people with hypothyroidism

Effects of hypothyroidism in nose surgery

Patients with hypothyroidism are allergic to anesthetics. And as a result, the use of anesthetics can lower their blood pressure and stop their pulse. For this reason, the situation is very serious and it becomes necessary to prevent the operation of the nose because of protection and also to prevent any unpleasant events.

After nose surgery for this group of people, they may have a little delay in regaining consciousness. And this may cause fear in the people around, which is nothing to worry about.

People with thyroid disease should have blood tests as well as metabolic tests. to prepare their noses for rhinoplasty.

After performing these tests and some medical supervision, it is possible to find out whether the person in question has the necessary conditions to perform nose surgery. Or is his condition suitable for performing nose surgery?

People who have problems with nose surgery after the mentioned tests. They should control or solve their problem as soon as possible so that rhinoplasty does not cause any problems for them.

Note that if a problem arises for people due to ignoring the results of the tests, all the damages will be borne by the person himself..

last word

Facial beauty has always been very important for people since ancient times. But as mentioned in this article, the physical health of people is more important. Therefore, to perform cosmetic procedures, you must know about your physical health, especially hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

Rhinoplasty factors

Rhinoplasty factors

What factors determine the longevity of rhinoplasty?

Today we have prepared some things about the durability of rhinoplasty so that you do not have to worry about it anymore.

What is important is to know that it may take a year for the rhinitis to completely disappear and the final shape of the nose to be determined.. Many patients experience gradual changes in the appearance of their nose during the first few weeks of surgery. Gradually, with tissue repair, the amount of swelling will be reduced. The soft tissue of the nose will have a longer swelling than other parts of the body, however, after three to four weeks, you will see significant changes, the final results will be known after a few months..

For most patients, a splint and bandage is placed over the nose to further protect the structure and shape of the nose.. The dressing is usually removed a week later. Then, the stitches will be pulled. Most pain and swelling is related to one week after surgery. For one to two weeks, some bruising may be seen on the cheeks and under the eyes, which will gradually disappear..

Be sure to ask your surgeon about postoperative events:

  • Where will I be taken after the operation?
  • What medications will I be given?
  • Will I have a dressing or bandage, when will it be removed?
  • Should the stitches be removed, when?
  • When can I have a normal activity?
  • When should I go for follow-up and next visits?

Rhinoplasty factors | Of nose surgery

Frequently Asked Questions about Post-Rhinoplasty Care

When are the results determined?

Many patients reach their desired results about a month later. However, the final shape of the nose may not be fully understood for a year.

When can we do our daily chores?

This varies from patient to patient, but most patients will be able to do their daily chores and light activities after three weeks.. People who have heavy jobs need a longer recovery period and more rest.

How to choose the right plastic surgeon?

The important thing is that you have to have complete confidence in your surgeon, so be careful in your choice. A face-to-face meeting with a surgeon is also very important. You should feel comfortable with your surgeon and be able to share all your questions with him.

Finally, you should see the before and after pictures of the patients. This test can show the surgeon's ability.

Small changes in the nose will make a big difference

Rhinoplasty can boost your confidence. Even very small changes in the nose will greatly affect your appearance and knowing information about how to perform this surgical procedure and recovery care will lead to better results..

The results will be long lasting.

Although it may take several months or even a year or more for the inflammation to go away completely, the results will usually be long lasting.. However, with age, the cartilage may change shape, causing the nose to change shape.

What percentage of men and women have rhinoplasty?

What percentage of men and women have rhinoplasty?

How much do you know about rhinoplasty statistics?

Do you know what percentage of men and women have rhinoplasty each year?

Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Men and women want rhinoplasty for a variety of reasons. Many people choose this surgical procedure because of its aesthetic aspects, but the point is that rhinoplasty can have other benefits as well..

Rhinoplasty helps to relieve respiratory problems. In some special cases, changing the shape of the nose can correct sinus problems and problems caused by deviation of the middle septum.. This is something that a plastic surgeon should look into and consider all the details that are bothering the patient..

Of course, rhinoplasty has other purposes as well. This surgical method helps to correct and eliminate the asymmetry of the nose and to establish more fit and harmony of the face.. The width of the nostrils, the width of the bridge of the nose, the hump on the bridge of the nose and the deformities of the tip of the nose can be corrected with this surgical method..

What percentage of men and women have rhinoplasty? | Of nose surgery

What to expect during the consultation?

Success and safety depend on whether you are a good candidate for action during the counseling session. Questions are asked about your health status, desires and lifestyle.

Be prepared to talk about the following:

  • Why do you want to do this and what result do you expect?
  • Medical status, allergies and previous medications
  • Medications you are currently taking include vitamins, herbal medicines, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs
  • Previous surgeries
  • Your surgeon may do the following:
  • Assess your health status and assess the potential risks of the operation
  • Specific measurements on the face
  • Take a photo for a medical record
  • Discuss your choices and your doctor's opinion about the shape of your nose
  • Discuss the possible outcome of the operation and its risks and possible complications
  • Discuss your type of anesthesia

Preparing for action

You may be asked to:
  • Test or have a special examination done on you.
  • Take certain medications or make changes to medications.
  • Quit smoking several times before the operation.
  • Do not take aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal medicines that can increase the risk of bleeding..
  • Specific instructions include the following:
  • Things to do the night before surgery and in the morning.
  • Type of anesthesia during surgery.
  • Postoperative care and follow-up.
  • Your surgeon should talk to you about where the surgery is being done. This operation can be performed in a hospital or outpatient surgery center.

توجه: If the operation is performed on an outpatient basis and you are scheduled to be discharged after the operation, arrange with someone to take you home and spend the night with you..

When is the first rhinoplasty?

When is the first rhinoplasty?

Do you know when the first rhinoplasty is?

The first rhinoplasty was performed in the 16th century by an Italian surgeon. After that, German surgeons performed rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty in a modern form for the first time by John Orlando Roe (The father of rhinoplasty) It took place in New York in the late 19th century. He was an ENT specialist and performed closed nose surgery for the first time. Dacques Joseph later used similar methods to repair the nose of a person who had lost interest in the community due to the size of his nose..

Rhinoplasty was originally considered contrary to religious teachings in many areas. And faced social and cultural opposition. After a while, observing the effect of rhinoplasty on the beauty and self-confidence of people, which also had a great impact on their social performance.. This practice was promoted among the communities and was welcomed by the public. Today, rhinoplasty does not require only medical knowledge and is a combination of medicine, painting, sculpture, physiology, anatomy and physics..

When is the first rhinoplasty? | Of nose surgery

History of rhinoplasty in Iran

Rhinoplasty in Iran, like in other countries, before it was considered as a separate branch. It was studied as part of general surgery. This practice has existed from 1321 until today with different letters. Dr. Sirus Asanloo was the first plastic surgeon in Iran. After receiving a degree in general surgery in 1315, he traveled to England and then to the United States. In cooperation with foreign surgeons, he received the necessary training in the field of modern plastic surgery. He returned to Iran in 1319 and after two years established a reconstructive surgery center for the first time in a hospital in Tehran.. After that, as a professor of plastic surgery at the University of Tehran, he provided the necessary training to other medical students. Similarly, plastic surgery was developed in Iran.

Dr. Majid Rasti only performs nose surgery

Dr. Majid Rasti only performs nose surgery

Dr. Majid Rasti only performs nose surgery

Remarkable to all dear clients : Informs that Dr. Majid Rasti only performs nose surgery. Please refrain from unrelated references and calls. Thanks

Nose surgery (رینوپلاستی)

The first step: Choose a surgeon you can trust

Plastic surgery, whether for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes, requires many choices. The first and most important of these is choosing a reliable surgeon. One of the best indicators of a physician's education is having a board encyclopedia. Ask your surgeon about having a plastic surgery board encyclopedia, as this encyclopedia is the only evidence that a person is qualified to perform plastic surgery on the face and all parts of the body..

The plastic surgery specialist must have the following standards:
  • Graduated from a medical school certified.
  • After graduating from medical school, he has completed general surgery training for at least four years, and after that, he has completed a three-year residency program in plastic surgery..
  • Has passed all relevant written and oral exams.

Of nose surgery | دکتر مجید راستی

members Official of the Iranian Association of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeons:

  • Graduate in plastic surgery from one of the universities approved by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
  • Have undergone annual plastic surgery retraining courses.
  • Perform surgeries in authorized and approved medical centers.

Observe the scientific and legal principles and standards and follow the ethical charter of the association.

Beauty in life

You will become more beautiful by performing rhinoplasty. Although the shape of the nose is hereditary, it changes as a result of previous trauma or surgery. Rhinoplasty is called rhinoplasty, which creates a more beautiful and harmonious appearance with other elements of the face.. Rhinoplasty also improves your breathing, which is caused by airway disorders in your nose..

Rhinoplasty can cause the following changes in the nose:

  • Change the size of the nose (Fits other facial elements).
  • Change the width of the nose (In the area of ​​the bridge of the nose).
  • تغییر شکل بینی (Changes in the protrusion of the back of the nose or the depression of the lower nose).
  • Changing the tip of the nose, which can be large, drooping or raised.
  • A change in the nostrils that can be large, wide, or raised.
  • Create nasal symmetry.
  • Fix nasal deviation.

Choosing a plastic and cosmetic surgeon

Choosing a plastic and cosmetic surgeon

Choosing a plastic and cosmetic surgeon

By choosing one of the members of the Iranian Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeons, you can have a better choice for surgery.

Proficiency in reconstructive surgery, which is part of plastic and cosmetic surgery, made our country's plastic surgeons so familiar and capable that they provided cosmetic surgery easily and excellently to people who needed surgery. The headline of plastic and cosmetic surgery is the aesthetic nature of human beings and this is also rooted in the original Iranian culture.. This issue has a special place in our religious teachings and according to Allah Jamil and Yahb Al-Jamal, the creator and creature love beauty..

Of nose surgery | دکتر مجید راستی

Fortunately, Iranian surgeons in all fields of this field have sufficient knowledge and ability and are at the level of prestigious countries in this field.. Many plastic and cosmetic surgeries are performed daily in our country with very good results. The nose, which is one of the most prominent and prominent parts of the face, has the most beauty practice in our country.. Our specialists in this field have unique abilities and skills. Unfortunately, the involvement of non-specialists in this field has always been a problem for patients and this association.

The current organization of this association is surgeons who have completed full courses in general surgery and after receiving the certificate of full courses in general surgery, they also pass a full course in plastic surgery.. Then they receive the above degree of plastic specialization (Plastic surgery).

We hope that our dear compatriots will find full knowledge and confidence in the science and art of Iranian surgeons in this field and will meet their beauty needs with peace of mind so that they do not feel remorse for what they have done..