End of Natural Male Rhinoplasty

End of Natural Male Rhinoplasty

End of natural male nose surgery in the operating room


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دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery


Answer your questions

Answer your questions

Answers to your questions with Dr. Majid Rasti

Of nose surgery | Answer your questions

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Questions and answers with Isfahan Rhinoplasty Surgeon

Questions and answers with Isfahan Rhinoplasty Surgeon

Questions and answers with Isfahan rhinosurgeon Dr. Majid Rasti

Of nose surgery | Questions and answers with Isfahan Rhinoplasty Surgeon

Is there a possibility of death in rhinoplasty?

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The result of the operation immediately after the operation

The result of the operation immediately after the operation

The result of the operation immediately after the nose operation دکتر مجید راستی

Of nose surgery | The result of the operation immediately after the operation

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Question from Dr. Majid Rasti, Isfahan Rhinoplasty Surgeon

Question from Dr. Majid Rasti, Isfahan Rhinoplasty Surgeon

پرسش از دکتر مجید راستی

Of nose surgery | Question from Dr. Majid Rasti

Nasal Surgery in Isfahan,fa

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Questions and answers with Dr. Majid Rasti

Questions and answers with Dr. Majid Rasti

Rhinoplasty and the questions that are answered :

Of nose surgery | question and answer

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Of nose surgery

The last rhinoplasty in 1400

The last rhinoplasty in 1400

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Of nose surgery | Last action of the year 1400

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دکتر مجید راستی Of nose surgery

Rhinoplasty by Dr. Majid Rasti 1401/1/25

Rhinoplasty by Dr. Majid Rasti 1401/1/25

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Of nose surgery | The result of the nose immediately after surgery 1401/1/25

Of nose surgery دکتر مجید راستی

Readable and informative content :

Fracture of the nose and see a doctor

Fracture of the nose and see a doctor

Causes of nasal fractures

The most common bone injury is in the case of a broken nose. Because the nose is severely damaged, according to several studies on facial fractures, half of all facial fractures involve nose breaking nose breaking. nose breaking nose breaking.

Of nose surgery | Fracture of the nose and see a doctor

Causes of nasal fractures

  1. Causes of nasal fractures.
  2. Causes of nasal fractures ( خون دماغ شدن)
  3. Causes of nasal fractures
  4. Rhinitis both inside and outside the nose
  5. Rhinitis both inside and outside the nose

nose breaking جراح بینی First of all, it should be said that nasal injury occurs for every person and there is no difference between people who have had their nose operated and those who have not. .

Rhinitis both inside and outside the nose

So log in First of all, it should be said that nasal injury occurs for every person and there is no difference between people who have had their nose operated and those who have not. So log in Of nose surgery First of all, it should be said that nasal injury occurs for every person and there is no difference between people who have had their nose operated and those who have not. . If the impact was severe enough to cause bleeding from both or one of the nostrils over a period of more than a few minutes, it could also cause the skin of the nose to rupture, severe headaches, nausea, and pain and swelling afterwards. Do not go away for three days and change the shape of the nose and at the same time cause difficulty in breathing. There is a possibility of a serious injury that requires medical attention..

So log in جراح بینی So log in. 3-5 days after a broken nose, that is, when the swelling and bruising disappear, the person should see an ENT doctor or maxillofacial surgeon. Initial care should not last more than 5 days.

Of nose surgery | nose breaking

Patients interested in performing rhinoplasty

Patients interested in performing rhinoplasty . Patients interested in performing rhinoplasty.

  • Patients interested in performing rhinoplasty
  • No use of alcohol and drugs
  • No use of alcohol and drugs
  • No use of alcohol and drugs.
  • No use of alcohol and drugs.

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