Is orthodontic treatment a priority over nose surgery or vice versa?
Rhinoplasty is performed for two purposes. In the first case there is a medical problem including Allows him to better use his art and skills یا Deviation in the nose, makes a person have to perform a nose job. In the second case, the person has no medical problems and is only dissatisfied with the appearance of his nose, and in order to create fit and make it more beautiful, he performs rhinoplasty..
In general, it should be first Orthodontic It should be done until the jaw is placed in the correct area, and then the nose is operated until the nose is placed on the correct jaw, in other words, the nose must be placed on the correct structure, so orthodontics takes precedence over nose surgery..
The effect of orthodontics on nasal surgery
Orthodontics is used to correct the structure of the jaws and to correct the arrangement of teeth in the mouth. One of the factors that can cause dental and maxillofacial malformations in a person is a disorder in the nose and mouth breathing.. In this condition, the person is forced to breathe through his mouth for various reasons, including nasal deviation, which causes maxillary stenosis and tooth decay..
Orthodontics, in addition to its therapeutic goals and improves the health of teeth and mouth, is also performed to enhance beauty and create a fit between the components of the face.. Correction and relocation of teeth and jaws in the mouth also changes the appearance of the lower part of the face. Among the requirements of rhinoplasty is the fit of the nose with components such as the lips and mouth. So these two actions can have a complex relationship with each other.
Because rhinoplasty is most often performed in adulthood, limited jaw and tooth changes occur at this age.. On the other hand, most orthodontic treatments are recommended in childhood for best results. So first orthodontics and the final formation of the size of the jaw and the shape of the lips, can be necessary to create the best and most appropriate results from rhinoplasty.
Does orthodontics affect the nose?
Orthodontics may not affect the nose alone; But by symmetrizing the teeth and jaw, it can indirectly affect the nose by affecting the upper lip in the direction of the angle between the lip and the nose.. In addition, orthodontic treatment affecting the lower jaw and chin can also be effective in making the nose appear larger or smaller..
In addition to the mentioned article, oral and nasal breathing disorders can also force a person to breathe through the mouth. These conditions lead to maxillary stenosis and dislocation of the teeth and therefore the need for orthodontics..
Therefore, the purpose of orthodontics and rhinoplasty is to increase both the beauty of the face by fitting the components of the lips, jaw, mouth and teeth and the complex relationships that exist between them; Which can not be ignored in any way.
Is rhinoplasty possible at the same time as orthodontics?
One of the most frequently asked questions by many patients who intend to undergo orthodontic treatment nose plastic surgery Whether orthodontic treatment or surgery sooner nose plastic surgery ؟؟
Patients should keep in mind that since orthodontics can affect the shape and position of the lips by moving the teeth, it is better to finish orthodontic treatment first, so that after stabilizing the position of the lips and jaw, the patient can nose plastic surgery to pay.
At Nose surgery One of the important things that جراح بینی For the final shape of your nose, it is considered, its relationship with the lips, ( Keep in mind that the shape of the lips will change after orthodontic treatment) It is also possible that the orthodontist will apply pressure to the nose during orthodontic treatment, so it is recommended, Rhinoplasty surgery After this treatment.
Orthodontic problems at the same time as nose surgery
It is known that performing different orthodontics such as fixed, movable, invisible orthodontics can cause changes in a person's face. Among these important changes, the following can be mentioned:
- Disturbance of balance between lips and nose
- Changing the angle of the nose and lips
- Changing the position of the lips
You may ask yourself what effect the change in the shape of the lips can have on the nose job and what does the nose job have to do with the lips. In answer to this question, it should be said that one of the important options that the surgeon must consider for the final shape of the nose. The relationship between the lips and the shape of the nose is final. Any change in the shape of the lips disrupts the angle between the nose and the lips. This ultimately changes the shape of the nose..
What should be the interval between rhinoplasty and orthodontics?
As mentioned many times, nose surgery is better to be performed after orthodontics is finished, but if you cannot wait for any reason, be sure to consult with your orthodontics and nose surgery specialists before that..
If both specialists agree, you can do this. No matter what orthodontics you do before the nose surgery, your orthodontic specialist will have limitations and difficulties to comply with your situation. In addition, it is possible in While adjusting the brackets and working on your teeth, pressure will be applied to your face and nose. These pressures can damage the surgical sutures. After orthodontics, which is usually 6 to 2.5 years, you can have a nose surgery. do the.
Why should I do orthodontics?
Contrary to popular belief, orthodontics is not only about beauty; It is also necessary to increase oral hygiene. Everyone needs healthy teeth to improve their health. So, by doing it, you will improve the health of your mouth and teeth, and as a result, the health of your digestive tract.
In addition, the beauty of the mouth and teeth, along with a beautiful smile, will increase the positive mood and self-confidence of the person. Treatment with orthodontic brackets that are placed on the teeth, in addition to aligning the teeth on the jaw, also prevents major health problems for the mouth and teeth..