Dr. Majid Rasti Member of the Board of the Iranian Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeons

Dr. Majid Rasti Member of the Board of the Iranian Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeons

Dr. Majid Rasti is a member of the board of directors of the Iranian Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeons

Of nose surgery | دکتر مجید راستی

Iranian Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeons It was established in 1334 by the pioneers of this field and from the teachings of world-renowned experts such as the late Professor Paul Tsie, Joe Murray (Nobel laureate) And Professor Mishon has enjoyed it.

The current organization of this association is surgeons who have completed full courses in general surgery and after receiving the certificate of full courses in general surgery, they also pass a full course in plastic surgery.. Then they receive the above degree of plastic specialization.

Objectives of forming the Iranian Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeons

It is one of the oldest associations with a history of 60 years, which is on a par with the establishment of scientific societies in the world. This association was established by the pioneers of this field and is based on the teachings of world-renowned experts such as the late Professor Paul Tsie. (Paul Tessier)Joe Murray (Joe Murry) (Nobel laureate) And become professors (Prof. Mission) Has enjoyed. These well-known and specialized people have traveled to Shahid Motahari Trauma and Burn Hospital, trained plastic surgeons in our country, and have made a significant contribution to the establishment and promotion of the field in this field in Iran.. In this regard, eight years of holy defense was a turning point in Iranian plastic and cosmetic surgery.

During this period, not only the surgeons of this field worked around the clock to serve the wounded of the imposed war, but also the imposed war itself became a factor in the flourishing of this field in our country.. Lack of familiarity with war waste repair, which was very different from everyday waste, caused scientific centers and responsible institutions, including the Veterans Foundation, to treat war veterans by inviting well-known surgeons and world pioneers in the field who experienced World War II. They were valued to help improve the quality of diagnostic and treatment services. Iranian surgeons were trained in a short period of time and undertook to continue the treatment of these injured.

Wide nose cosmetic surgery

Wide nose cosmetic surgery

Wide nose cosmetic surgery

Facial features are greatly influenced by the shape of the nose. According to Isfahan Rhinoplasty Surgeon, a large and wide nose can cover other positive features of a person's face and reduce his physical beauty.. So people with wide noses are often looking to make their noses narrower.

Diagnosis of a wide nose

You need to get help from a surgeon to diagnose the type of nose. By examining the structure of the nose and examining it, the surgeon can accurately determine what kind of nose you have.. Wide noses are often fleshy and have the characteristics of a fleshy nose. The wide nose has thick and oily skin and abundant soft tissue. In this type of nose, the structure of cartilage is weak and does not have high strength. Due to the weak cartilaginous structure and heavy skin and soft tissue, it is better to avoid oversizing the wide nose; Because it may cause unpleasant and severe side effects for the person.

Causes of flat nose

The reason for the wide nose may be a defect in different parts of the nose. The wide and wide bony part of the nasal bridge, the wide and weak cartilaginous part of the tip of the nose, the wide width of the nasal fins and the thick skin of the nose are the reasons for the widening of the nose.. By identifying the root cause of a wide nose, the surgeon can focus on correcting it and achieve better results..

Cosmetic surgery to narrow the wide nose

Rhinoplasty may be performed to flatten the nose, change the angle of the tip of the nose, or narrow the wide nose.. Rhinoplasty may also be performed to relieve respiratory problems or recurrent nosebleeds.

Wide nose before surgery

Before having a flat nose operation, go to your chosen surgeon and have a consultation session. In this session, ask all your questions and concerns with the surgeon and say your wishes.. Sometimes it happens that due to lack of mutual understanding between the applicant and the surgeon, the person is dissatisfied with the outcome of the operation.. To prevent this from happening, you can use the services of 3D face scanning, analysis and design of the nose and control molds by referring to the collection of the medical designer.. Using 3D scanning, an image of your face is created that can be viewed from all angles.

In the consultation session, you can express your wishes and the surgeon applies them to the 3D image.. You can see the result from all angles and decide on it. The set engineers then create custom control molds based on the images you have designed that the surgeon uses on the day of surgery to make the result exactly what you want.. Wide nose surgery is associated with limitations due to weak cartilage tissue and heavy skin. It is better to have realistic expectations and not to look too narrow and too small for a wide nose..

Wide nose cosmetic surgery | Of nose surgery

Wide nose cosmetic procedure

For wide nose surgery, the applicant undergoes general anesthesia. If the width of the nose is due to the expansion of the bones in the bridge of the nose, the surgeon will move the bones and make them more compact by creating a fracture.. The breaking and cutting of bone with special tools is called osteotomy. To narrow the wide nose, it is sometimes necessary to break the lateral bones in the bridge of the nose and bring them closer together..

If the width of the nose is due to problems with the tip or fins of the nose, by correcting these defects, the nose will be better shaped and narrower.. Sometimes the width of the nose is reduced by placing an implant in the tip of the nose or changing the position of the cartilage in the tip of the nose.. Narrowing of the wide nose with wide blades is accompanied by changes in the blade area. They correct it by removing part of the fins or using a thread to gather the wide nostrils.. In this case, the nostrils also become smaller than before.

Wide nose after surgery

People are usually released a few hours after rhinoplasty and return home. It is better not to be alone for the first few days. Get more rest in the first week and include soft foods in your diet that do not require gait.. Put two pillows under your head when sleeping. If you have had an osteotomy to correct your wide nose, you may have some headaches and nasal pain that can be relieved with painkillers.. For the first two weeks, bruising and swelling are normal, then gradually decrease. You will have to wait a year for the swelling to disappear completely to see the final shape of your nose. Your doctor will tell you exactly what to avoid.

In general, you should avoid the following:

• Exercise
• Swimming
• blowing your nose
• Knocking on the nose

The cost of a wide nose operation

If you only have rhinoplasty to narrow your wide nose, it is unlikely that this surgery will be covered by insurance; Because this is a beautiful act; Therefore, all costs are the responsibility of the individual. The cost of rhinoplasty varies depending on the surgeon's choice and location of surgery.

Narrow nose wide without cosmetic surgery

If the width of the nose is due to the soft tissue, it is possible to use a plasmajet to narrow it.. Plasma is the fourth state of matter that is irradiated into the skin using a device and burns the surface layer of the skin.. During the repair of this burn, the skin shrinks and causes the narrow nose to become narrower and the fleshy nose to shrink.. If the width of the nose is due to the width of the bridge of the nose, the use of plasmajet has little effect and is not recommended..

Steps of wide nose plasmajet

Consult your doctor before deciding on a wide nose plasma to make sure it is effective. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have a specific illness or are taking medication. Make sure your skin does not get sunburn before doing the plasma.

To perform plasma wide nose jet, anesthetic cream is used to anesthetize the position.. This process takes about thirty minutes. Avoid manipulating and plucking wounds after plasmajet and do not expose to the sun. Keep the surface of your nose clean. Given that the use of plasmajet devices has increased today, note that to do this, be sure to choose a reputable center to avoid complications..

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Application of laser in nasal surgery

Causes and symptoms of perforation of the nasal septum

Restorative nose surgery

Application of laser in nasal surgery

Application of laser in nasal surgery

Application of laser in nasal surgery

In all cosmetic surgeries, people are looking for the fastest and easiest ways to achieve the desired result.. The same is true of rhinoplasty, which is why many applicants are curious about a procedure such as laser nose surgery.. If you are looking to find out if laser rhinoplasty is possible or just for advertising purposes, in this article we will review the laser rhinoplasty with Isfahan Rhinoplasty surgeon and answer your questions..

Results of laser nose surgery

To change the overall shape of the nose and eliminate the appearance defects or to treat some breathing problems, it is necessary to apply changes to the bone and cartilage tissue of the nose.. For this purpose, it is necessary for the surgeon to have open or closed access to these tissues through surgery. In recent years, the subject of laser nose surgery has been raised and has attracted the attention of applicants for rhinoplasty.. We first examine the various methods of rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty is performed in both open and closed surgeries. In closed surgery, the operation is performed through the nostrils and there is no incision outside the nose. In open nasal surgery, the surgeon makes incisions and lifts the skin completely to completely enclose the cartilage and bone structure of the nose.. Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages and the surgeon chooses one of these two types of surgery based on the applicant's condition.. In fact, in both types of rhinoplasty, the surgeon makes changes in the cartilage and bone tissue, and these changes change the appearance of the nose..

Application of laser in nasal surgery | Of nose surgery

Application of laser in the beauty and operation of the nose

Laser is a high-energy excited light that is monochromatic and has a specific wavelength.. These features of the laser have led to many applications in skin beauty. Each specific wavelength affects only one cell type, allowing skin lesions to heal and disappear without damaging the surrounding tissue..

Laser applications in beauty include:

Removal of moles and vascular lesions
• Removing colored spots and tattoos
• Reduce excess hair
Rejuvenate the skin and reduce wrinkles and reduce scars and pimples

There are several devices, each of which is used in a specific field and has different functions.. In some cases, lasers are also used to cut tissue. Is laser nose surgery one of the applications that we can name for lasers?

Application of laser in nasal surgery

As mentioned, lasers have many uses in beauty, but lasers do not have the ability to change bone and cartilage tissue.. In rhinoplasty, the surgeon makes extensive changes to the bone and cartilage tissue. By cutting the bone, moving the cartilage and strengthening it, the deformation of the nose is achieved.. At present, laser nose surgery is for advertising purposes only and it is not possible to perform a complete laser surgery alone.. Lasers can be used to improve the condition of the skin of the nose. Laser can be used to treat conditions such as blemishes or cuts, diseases such as rosacea and rhinophyma that affect the structure of the skin of the nose.. In fact, the meaning of laser nose surgery used in advertising is the same as using laser to solve nasal skin problems..

People prone to laser nose surgery

Rosacea is a skin condition that is accompanied by symptoms such as pimples and redness of the skin. Some medications, including antibiotics, are prescribed by your doctor to treat this condition. Taking these medications can control the symptoms of rosacea but does not completely eliminate it. After controlling the disease, if the skin of the nose is permanently red, it can be reduced with a laser. If left untreated, rosacea can lead to rhinophyma, a more severe skin condition. In rhinophyma, the skin tissue becomes swollen and red and enlarges due to an increase in nasal adipose tissue.. In this case, too, the laser can reduce the lesions to some extent. Laser nose surgery is an operation that only affects the skin tissue of the nose.

The cost of laser nose surgery

The use of lasers in the field of beauty has become very widespread and each clinic and beauty center receives a different cost depending on the facilities and services it offers.. In general, because the use of lasers is in cosmetic cases, the cost is not paid by insurance.

Nasal operation with laser or plasma jet

Some people mistakenly think that a laser is used in a nasal plasma jet to make changes in the nose.. But it is better to know that unlike laser, it is an energetic and monochromatic light. Plasma is the fourth state of matter, a kind of ionized gas. Plasma is injected into the skin surface by a pen-like device and burns it into tiny dots.. This process causes the skin to contract and in some cases helps the nose to shrink and shrink.. The use of plasma jets for beauty is now widespread. But be sure to choose a valid set to do this to avoid skin complications.

The best method of rhinoplasty

As we have thoroughly reviewed in this article. At present, laser nose surgery is for advertising purposes only and is not possible. In fact, laser nose surgery is the use of lasers to treat nasal skin problems.

If you want to be sure of the result of your rhinoplasty. This possibility is provided for applicants in the collection of medical designers. With the help of nose design, 3D scan and then control molds without any worries performed cosmetic surgery. And be sure of the result. In fact, with the help of this technology, your nose is designed according to your taste, and finally, using the control molds on the day of surgery, the desired changes are applied on the nose to achieve the desired result..

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Rhinoplasty procedures

Causes and symptoms of perforation of the nasal septum

Restorative nose surgery

Rhinoplasty procedures

Rhinoplasty procedures

Rhinoplasty procedures

The nose is a very important organ that affects the way we look and therefore feel about ourselves. The nose is in the middle of the face and its shape and size can significantly affect a person's self-esteem.. In rhinoplasty, in addition to beauty, maintaining and improving nasal function is also very important; Therefore, rhinoplasty is a very sensitive issue and requires surgery that has a high level of experience and dominates the aesthetics of the whole face.. The purpose of rhinoplasty is to make changes to fit the applicant's nose individually as well as with other parts of the face.. According to Isfahan rhinosurgeon, it is better for a person to have a natural appearance after rhinoplasty to look beautiful.

How is rhinoplasty performed?

Basically, a series of examinations and discussions are done before any rhinoplasty. An individual action plan is created based on the wishes and surgical options of the applicant. In some cases, in order for the applicant to see the result of the nose surgery in advance, a computer simulation of the expected result is shown to him.. In this way, it is possible to visually show the applicant what changes occur in the nose and face.. In the design of the medical designer, this simulation is performed by three-dimensional scanning and makes it possible for the applicant to see and evaluate the result of rhinoplasty from all angles..

For an experienced surgeon, it is important that the nose fits the overall image of the face in terms of beauty and coordination. In the pre-rhinoplasty consultation session, all your ambiguities should be resolved and all your questions should be answered accurately.. Your chosen surgeon in the counseling session should treat you in such a way that you can trust him and not be afraid of rhinoplasty.

There are two methods of rhinoplasty:

• Closed surgical procedure in which the operation is performed through the nasal passages and there is no incision outside the nose; Therefore, the recovery period is shorter.
• Open surgery method in which small incisions are made and the operation is performed.

Surgeons are more likely to use open surgery for rhinoplasty because it is easier for the surgeon to access the nasal tissues and the outcome of the surgery will be better..

Rhinoplasty procedures | Of nose surgery

Is the nasal septum also repaired in rhinoplasty?

The nasal septum is usually repaired in any rhinoplasty because it forms part of the external shape of the nose.. Also, if the nasal septum is deviated, even if it is not obvious in the appearance of the nose, its deviation is corrected in nasal surgery so that the nose has a proper function in terms of breathing and smell..

Hump ​​removal in nose surgery

In nose surgery, small humps are removed by filing and slightly shaving the nasal bone. There are more steps and complications involved with larger humps, but ultimately the nose will look longer and narrower by removing the hump.. To make the nose fit, it is necessary to shorten the tip of the nose and move it after removing the hump.. Using the open surgery method helps the surgeon to apply these changes easily and the tip of the nose does not become squinty after rhinoplasty..

Rhinoplasty straightens the nose

In bony and cartilaginous noses that are twisted, the entire frame of the nose, including the nasal septum, must be moved.. After surgery for twisted nose, the nose must be completely immobilized with a splint for two weeks..

Recovery period after nose surgery

After nose surgery, people usually do not have much pain, but if there is pain. It can be controlled with regular painkillers. After a week, the splint and external sutures of the nose are removed. The sutures inside the nose are absorbed and do not need to be removed. Your doctor will probably prescribe a cream to heal the scar. which makes the scar disappear completely within a few weeks. After two weeks of removing the nose bandage, the person can easily be present in the community.. In the first few weeks, there is usually swelling, especially in the tip of the nose. The final result of nose surgery is determined after 6 to 12 months.

The cost of nose surgery

The cost of nose surgery depends on the difficulty of the operation, the surgeon and the location of the operation. After the consultation session, the cost of the nose surgery will be announced to you in detail. Health insurance does not cover the cost of rhinoplasty. If there is a breathing and functional problem in the nose, some insurances may pay the costs related to that part..

Dissatisfaction with the result of nose surgery

In some cases, people are not satisfied with the result of their nose surgery and they feel anxiety and discomfort. To prevent this, it is necessary to choose a surgeon who uses the latest methods and technologies in rhinoplasty.. With the help of 3D scanning, a 3D image of the applicant's face can be obtained. There is no harmful radiation in this device. In the medical designer's collection, it is possible that after preparing a three-dimensional image of the applicant's face, all the desired changes will be applied to this image on the day of the consultation.. So that one can see the result and make a better decision.

On the day of the consultation, nose design is done based on golden ratios. And after the applicant's approval, the medical design engineers make molds for the day of rhinoplasty from the same 3D image.. These control molds help the surgeon perform the surgical procedure so that the final shape of the nose exactly matches the molds.. At the end of the nose surgery, the shape of the nose will be exactly the same. Which the person has chosen on the day of counseling. For this reason, it is likely that the applicant will be dissatisfied with the outcome of their nose surgery. It is greatly reduced. By choosing this rhinoplasty method, there will be no need for reconstructive nose surgery. And in this way, one can save time and money.

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Eye LASIK and Rhinoplasty

Causes and symptoms of perforation of the nasal septum

Restorative nose surgery

Diagnosis and treatment of nasal fractures

Diagnosis and treatment of nasal fractures

Investigating diagnosis and treatment of nasal fracture

Cracking of nasal bone or cartilage is called nasal fracture Of nose surgery Fractures usually occur on the nasal bridge or septum. Falling, contact sports and accidents are the most common causes of broken nose.
Causes of nasal fractures
Symptoms of a broken nose include the following:
• Pain in or around the nose
Twisting and tilting of the nose
• Swelling in or around the nose
• nose bleeding
• Congestion and runny nose, which can be a sign of blocked nostrils.
Bruising around the nose and under the eyes
• A grinding sound or sensation when you blow your nose.

Symptoms of a broken nose that require immediate treatment

If you have suffered a broken nose and have the following symptoms, seek medical treatment immediately:
• Heavy bleeding that does not stop.
• Clear fluid coming out of the nose
• Difficulty breathing
• Crooked nose
If you suspect a head or neck injury, avoid moving to prevent further injury.

Diagnosis and treatment of nasal fractures | Of nose surgery

People prone to broken nose

Accidents can happen to anyone; Therefore, anyone can experience a broken nose during their lifetime. However, certain activities can increase the risk of nasal fracture. People who participate in contact sports such as combat sports, football, or basketball are at a higher risk of nasal fractures.. There is also a risk of nasal fracture in children; Because their nose bone is not strong enough and they are also more prone to fall.

3-5 days after a broken nose, that is, when the swelling and bruising disappear, the person should see an ENT doctor or maxillofacial surgeon. Initial care should not last more than 5 days

A doctor can usually diagnose a broken nose by performing a physical examination. The examination includes seeing and touching the nose and face. If there is a lot of pain, the doctor may use a local anesthetic to numb the nose before the exam.. When the swelling decreases, it is easier to examine and diagnose a broken nose; Therefore, the doctor may ask you to return for examination in two or three days. If the nose injury is severe or accompanied by other facial injuries, the doctor will order a photo and scan.. These images can help determine the extent of damage to the nose and face.

How to treat a broken nose

If you don't have symptoms that require immediate medical treatment, there are a few things you can do at home before going to the doctor.:
• If your nose is bleeding, sit and lean forward. In this way, blood does not enter the throat.
• If you are not bleeding, tilt your head back to ease the throbbing pain.
• To reduce swelling, use a cold compress for 15 minutes and 3-4 times a day.
• Use acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain relief.
It is better to go to the doctor as soon as possible to determine the extent of damage to the face and nose; Because the treatment of broken nose is easier for the first 1-2 weeks. A broken nose may also cause blood to collect in the nasal septum and require immediate treatment.

Medical treatment of broken nose

Not all nasal fractures require extensive treatment. Depending on the severity of the nose injury, the doctor may do one of the following:
• Placing gauze in the nostrils and putting a splint on the nose
• Prescribing painkillers and possibly antibiotics
• Performing a limited closed surgery that puts the broken bones in the right place by numbing the nose..
• Performing nose surgery
• Septorhinoplasty in case of damage to the nasal septum

Nasal fracture can lead to nasal deviation, nasal septum hematoma, or cartilage fracture, which in any case requires special treatments..

Septal hematoma or blood accumulation in the nasal septum

A broken nose can cause blood to build up in the nasal septum. If the septum of the nose is not treated, it can become infected and cause a septal abscess.. Also, the accumulation of blood in the nasal septum causes permanent damage or necrosis of the cartilage of the nasal septum, which will cause breathing disorders and changes in the shape of the nose; Therefore, nasal septum hematoma surgery is very important as soon as possible. A doctor can diagnose nasal septum hematoma by clinical examination.

In case of blood accumulation in the nasal septum, in addition to pain, swelling and bruising, there is a soft bump in one or both nasal cavities.. Nasal hematoma surgery is an outpatient procedure that is performed in the doctor's office using local anesthesia.. For this purpose, an incision is made on the nasal septum and the blood clot is drained. Then the tampon is placed in the nose to prevent bleeding and re-accumulation of blood by applying pressure on the wall of the nasal septum.. After two to three days, the tampon is removed from the nose.

Nasal deviation surgery or septorhinoplasty after nasal fracture

The nasal septum normally divides the nasal cavity into two almost equal parts. When the nose is hit and broken, there is a possibility of deviation of the nasal septum. In this case, one of the nasal cavities is narrow or blocked and the person's breathing is disturbed. For nasal deviation surgery, the surgeon makes an incision to access the nasal septum. Then he removes the membrane on the blade and places the blade in a smooth path. If there is extra cartilage or bone, it removes them. Finally, they put a tampon inside the nose and a splint on the nose.

If the impact on the nose causes damage to the cartilages of the nose and deformity of the nose in addition to the deviation of the nose, then septorhinoplasty is performed on the person so that in addition to correcting the deviation of the nose and improving breathing, cosmetic surgery is also performed..

Surgery of old nasal fractures

If you do not see a doctor at the time of a broken nose, there may be defects in both the function and the appearance of the nose over time.. Crooked nose, crooked nose and hump on the bridge of the nose can be the appearance defects caused by broken nose.. By choosing a suitable surgeon and performing nose surgery, these defects will be removed and the person's face will be more proportionate. If you want your rhinoplasty surgery to be done exactly according to your taste, you can use 3D scanning technology to see the result of the operation before surgery and control molds in rhinoplasty surgery..

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Eye LASIK and Rhinoplasty

Causes and symptoms of perforation of the nasal septum

Restorative nose surgery

Restorative nose surgery

Restorative nose surgery

Restorative nose surgery

It can be very discouraging if your nose job does not meet your expectations. If after spending money, time and going through the recovery period, the nose changes are not according to your taste and expectations, you will experience uncomfortable feelings.. But you should know that you are not alone and other people experience this too. In this case, most people will look for reconstructive nose surgery. The good news is that you can still achieve the look you want with a rhinoplasty. This problem can cause symptoms that range from mild to severe Of nose surgery It is important to plan carefully and know exactly what to expect from rhinoplasty before deciding to undergo rhinoplasty..

Before reconstructive rhinoplasty, make sure that your nose is completely healed.

The first and most important thing before reconstructive rhinoplasty is to make sure that the nose is completely healed. When talking about rhinoplasty (عمل بینی) It is mentioned that bruising and swelling of the nose is a normal part of the procedure. The amount of bruising and swelling that each person experiences depends on several factors. The amount of swelling after nose surgery depends on the type of skin and what the surgeon did during the surgery to achieve the desired shape of the nose. it depends. The initial swelling takes about two weeks to heal, and in general, the swelling usually goes down a lot in the first six months after surgery..

But full recovery usually takes a year, and even this time may be longer in some people. The defects that have worried you may disappear after complete recovery and complete disappearance of swelling. Doctors recommend waiting at least one year after the initial rhinoplasty for reconstructive rhinoplasty. After that, an experienced surgeon can tell you if you are ready for rhinoplasty or not.

Restorative nose surgery | Of nose surgery

Choose your rhinoplasty surgeon carefully.

After the swelling of the nose is completely removed and you are still not satisfied with the new shape of the nose and you intend to have a reconstructive nose surgery.. One of the most important issues is choosing a suitable surgeon for reconstructive nose surgery. Take enough time to choose a surgeon and don't rush. Get advice from people you trust. If a trusted person around you has performed reconstructive nose surgery and is satisfied, ask him about the surgeon and the procedure. Otherwise, find out about experienced surgeons by searching the Internet and cyberspace.

Go to the office of several of them for consultation and state your questions and concerns. In addition, see the before and after photos of the reconstructive nose surgery of your desired surgeon. Reading other people's opinions online can also help you make a better decision. It is very important to choose a surgeon with sufficient knowledge and experience in reconstructive nose surgery.

Before reconstructive nose surgery, have a consultation with your surgeon.

Reconstructive rhinoplasty can be simple or very complex. It all depends on the following:

• The amount of disorders caused in primary nose surgery
• The changes made during the first surgery in the nasal septum.
• Skin characteristics
• Quality of nasal airways

The only way to know all of the above is to attend a consultation session with a specialist surgeon. During the physical examination, the surgeon can determine whether or not the nose suffered structural defects during the initial rhinoplasty.. If the structure and framework of the nose is defective, it is often necessary to perform a cartilage graft to strengthen the nasal structure.. The cartilage needed for the transplant may be removed from the nasal septum. Most nasal surgeons consider the nasal septum to be the best source for cartilage harvesting. In this case, there is no need for another surgery to remove the cartilage. If the septal cartilage has already been removed or damaged, it may be necessary to remove the cartilage from the ear or rib..

In addition to the things that the surgeon finds out during the examination, the important issue is your expectation from the reconstructive nose surgery.. In order to be satisfied with the result of rhinoplasty, you and your surgeon must reach a common understanding of what you expect and what is feasible.. Many dissatisfactions are caused by this lack of mutual understanding between the applicant and the surgeon. Today, with the use of new technologies, it is possible for applicants to see the result before cosmetic surgery and decide how it will be done..

A 3D image of the applicant's face is prepared in the medical designer's collection using a 3D scanning device, and on the day of the consultation, the applicant and the surgeon can apply the desired changes to the image and see the result in 3D from all angles.. In this way, both the surgeon and the applicant know what the result of the reconstructive nose surgery is going to be. To ensure that what was designed on the day of the consultation is implemented, medical design engineers create unique control molds for each individual so that the surgeon can use them during surgery to precisely match the design..

Get your basic surgery information from your doctor.

The surgeon you choose for reconstructive nose surgery can detect many things just by seeing and examining the nose; But in order to get the most information during the consultation, it is better to be able to prepare your pre-operative photos and a summary of your previous surgery and present it to the new surgeon.. If you feel uncomfortable doing this, you should know that it is your right to access your medical records and you can easily request this from your doctor..

Post-operative measures

Reconstructive rhinoplasty generally takes 2-5 hours and is performed under general anesthesia.. Six weeks after rhinoplasty, you need to do less physical activity. A splint will be on your nose for a week after the rhinoplasty, and you must be careful not to get it wet; As with the primary rhinoplasty, there will be some degree of nasal congestion and swelling for some time.

Since the complexity and time of rhinoplasty surgery is more than the primary surgery, the cost of this surgery is usually higher than the primary rhinoplasty..

Related points

Golden proportions between facial features

In beautiful faces, there is a golden ratio between different parts of the face, and scientists have discovered this ratio in many beautiful parts of nature, such as flower petals, bird bodies, insect body parts, and even finger bones.. This number is 1/618. Accordingly, in beautiful and ideal faces, there is this golden ratio between the longitudinal, transverse and vertical lines of the face..

In vertical lines, this ratio can be seen between the distance from the hairline to the base of the nose and the distance from the base of the nose to the chin. Also, the distance between the two pupils and the line between the lips and the distance between the lips and the chin also follow this ratio.. This ratio also shines in the horizontal components of proportional faces. For example, if you have an ideal face, the ratio of the width of your lips to the width of your nose is the same. To check these ratios, you can take a full face photo of yourself and then draw these lines on it and measure them with a ruler and compare them..

Nasal repair

Rhinoplasty is performed to correct problems that were not solved in the first operation or that arose after the operation..

The reasons for a person's need for nose repair include::
  • Asymmetry between the two sides of the nose
  • Drooping of the tip of the nose and its return to the original state before the operation
  • Asymmetry of the nostrils
  • Nasal adhesions
  • Splitting of the nasal septum
  • Growth of nasal cartilage
  • Depressions caused by non-standard manipulations in secondary nose surgery
  • The width of the nose from the front
  • انحراف تیغه بینی
  • Crooked nose
  • Unwanted change in the shape of the nose
طراحی سه بعدی بینی

After the 3D scan of the person's face is done, the rhinoplasty client can accompany the surgeon during a consultation session. Apply your mental imagination in a three-dimensional and virtual way on the face. First of all, by using 3D design, the surgeon gets full knowledge of his patient's point of view and taste. And secondly, the applicant can see all his mental images and can see his ideal face before rhinoplasty.. But the question will be raised as to how the surgeon can fulfill his promise during surgery. and operate the nose according to the 3D design. 3D scanning technology is considered a turning point by which the surgeon can perform nose surgery according to the request of the applicant..

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Eye LASIK and Rhinoplasty

Causes and symptoms of perforation of the nasal septum

Stitches remain in the nose

Causes and symptoms of perforation of the nasal septum

Causes and symptoms of perforation of the nasal septum

Investigating the causes of perforation of the nasal septum

Investigating the causes of perforation of the nasal septum. The nasal septum is made of bone and cartilage and helps air flow through the nasal passages. Investigating the causes of perforation of the nasal septum. A type of damage to the septum is when a hole is made in it. A type of damage to the septum is when a hole is made in it. If this tissue is accidentally damaged and cartilage nutrition is disrupted, its cells die and a hole is made in the nasal septum.. This problem can cause symptoms that range from mild to severe. This problem can cause symptoms that range from mild to severe Of nose surgery This problem can cause symptoms that range from mild to severe.

This problem can cause symptoms that range from mild to severe

The symptoms of a perforated blade vary from person to person. The symptoms of a perforated blade vary from person to person. The symptoms of a perforated blade vary from person to person. The size of the nostril hole can be categorized as follows:

The size of the nostril hole can be categorized as follows (The size of the nostril hole can be categorized as follows)
The size of the nostril hole can be categorized as follows (The size of the nostril hole can be categorized as follows)
The size of the nostril hole can be categorized as follows (The size of the nostril hole can be categorized as follows)

In many cases, the person may have no symptoms and never notice a puncture in their septum.. In many cases, the person may have no symptoms and never notice a puncture in their septum.:

Nasal whistling and wheezing when breathing
Nasal whistling and wheezing when breathing
Nasal whistling and wheezing when breathing
Nasal whistling and wheezing when breathing
Nasal whistling and wheezing when breathing
Nasal whistling and wheezing when breathing
Nasal whistling and wheezing when breathing
Nasal whistling and wheezing when breathing

Causes and symptoms of nasal septal perforation | Of nose surgery

Causes and symptoms of nasal septal perforation

Causes and symptoms of nasal septal perforation. Causes and symptoms of nasal septal perforation:
Causes and symptoms of nasal septal perforation
Causes and symptoms of nasal septal perforation
Excessive use of steroid, phenylephrine and oxymetazoline nasal sprays
Excessive use of steroid, phenylephrine and oxymetazoline nasal sprays
Excessive use of steroid, phenylephrine and oxymetazoline nasal sprays
Excessive use of steroid, phenylephrine and oxymetazoline nasal sprays
• Some major infections

If you work with certain chemicals such as mercury fulminate, arsenic, cement, and those used in chrome plating, you may be at increased risk for perforation of the septum.. Use saline spray, such as using a humidifier and humidifier at home (Use saline spray, such as using a humidifier and humidifier at home) You can reduce the risk of perforation of the nasal septum by rinsing the nose, avoiding manipulation of the nose, and avoiding cocaine use..

You can reduce the risk of perforation of the nasal septum by rinsing the nose, avoiding manipulation of the nose, and avoiding cocaine use.

You may have no symptoms of a perforated nasal septum or be negligent in examining and treating it because the nasal septum is not visible, but if you suspect a nasal septum perforation or symptoms of a problem with the nose, or If you are breathing, you should see a doctor. Seeing a doctor to diagnose a perforated nasal septum may include the following::

Seeing a doctor to diagnose a perforated nasal septum may include the following: (Seeing a doctor to diagnose a perforated nasal septum may include the following:) Seeing a doctor to diagnose a perforated nasal septum may include the following: (drug use)
drug use
drug use
drug use
drug use

drug use

Diagnosis of a perforated blade leads to a treatment plan that will be performed by a physician. Diagnosis of a perforated blade leads to a treatment plan that will be performed by a physician (Diagnosis of a perforated blade leads to a treatment plan that will be performed by a physician)Reducing the symptoms of the nostril blade and closing the hole in the septum will advance your treatment plan.

Reducing the symptoms of the nostril blade and closing the hole in the septum will advance your treatment plan:

Reducing the symptoms of the nostril blade and closing the hole in the septum will advance your treatment plan
Moisturize the inside of the nose with saline spray (Use saline spray, such as using a humidifier and humidifier at home)
Moisturize the inside of the nose with saline spray
Moisturize the inside of the nose with saline spray

Another non-surgical method is to use a prosthesis to close the nostril. Another non-surgical method is to use a prosthesis to close the nostril. The doctor inserts the prosthesis into the hole in the septum of the nose to block it, thus eliminating the symptoms of septal perforation.. It may be necessary to perform surgery to repair the nasal septum and remove the hole. It may be necessary to perform surgery to repair the nasal septum and remove the hole. Nasal septum repair surgery requires anesthesia, and the surgeon may use tissue from the nose itself or cartilage removed from the ear or rib to repair the septum.. After the surgery, a splint is inserted into your nose to allow the healing process to go well.

After the surgery, a splint is inserted into your nose to allow the healing process to go well

If the nasal septum is not in the center and is too inclined to the right or left, then the person has a deviation of the nasal septum, which is different from perforation of the septum.. Deviation of the nasal septum may cause airway obstruction, snoring, and sleep apnea. Some of the symptoms of nasal deviation and septal perforation, such as bleeding, nasal pain or headache, are common and you should see a doctor for a diagnosis.. Some of the symptoms of nasal deviation and septal perforation, such as bleeding, nasal pain or headache, are common and you should see a doctor for a diagnosis.. Correction of nasal deviation is much easier than repairing the septum.

Treatment of nasal deviation

Correction of nasal deviation is much easier than repairing the septum. If there is a deviation of the inner septum of the nose, it can be corrected by septoplasty. If there is a deviation of the inner septum of the nose, it can be corrected by septoplasty. If the applicant wants to have cosmetic surgery in addition to the internal deviation of the nasal septum, then septorhinoplasty will be performed for him, which is a simultaneous cosmetic surgery and nasal deviation..

In septoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision in one side of the nose to access the nasal septum.. It then lifts the mucosal layer from the septum, puts the nasal bony blade in the right direction, and cuts the extra bone and cartilage.. Simultaneous rhinoplasty and correction of nasal deviation saves time and money.

In general, it is better to choose a skilled surgeon and a specialist team to perform any surgery with thorough research and correct information. With the right choice, you can experience good cosmetic or reconstructive surgery and experience a better feeling with satisfaction..

With the right choice, you can experience good cosmetic or reconstructive surgery and experience a better feeling with satisfaction.

Nasal polyps

Nasal polyps (With the right choice, you can experience good cosmetic or reconstructive surgery and experience a better feeling with satisfaction.) A soft, gray mass resembling a bunch of grapes or teardrops that may form in the sinuses or nasal cavity.. A soft, gray mass resembling a bunch of grapes or teardrops that may form in the sinuses or nasal cavity.. Some polyps are small and the person does not notice them, but others are large and cause symptoms that can cause problems for the person involved.. Polyps can occur at any age and gender, but are more likely to occur in people over 40 and women.. Nasal polyps are usually basal and occur on both sides of the nose, but may occur on only one side of the nose..

Nasal polyps are usually basal and occur on both sides of the nose, but may occur on only one side of the nose.

The mucus that is produced and secreted through the sinuses is transmitted to the nose through small channels.. The mucus that is produced and secreted through the sinuses is transmitted to the nose through small channels.. Acute sinusitis is often caused by a cold and is a viral infection. Acute sinusitis is often caused by a cold and is a viral infection.

nose deviation

The nasal septum normally divides the nasal cavity in two equal ways. The nasal septum normally divides the nasal cavity in two equal ways. Also, having two parts of the airway prevents the transmission of infection from one side to the other. When a deviated nose occurs, the nasal septum deviates and the airway becomes narrower on one side than the other, which impairs nasal function and causes problems..

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Eye LASIK and Rhinoplasty

Taking Anahil pills for rhinitis (Pineapple tablets)

Stitches remain in the nose

Eye LASIK and Rhinoplasty

Eye LASIK and Rhinoplasty

Eye LASIK and Rhinoplasty

It may be for people who wear glasses or contact lenses. The question arises as to whether nasal surgery may harm the eye. Can I use glasses later? Does redness inside the eye and bruising around it after rhinoplasty indicate pressure on the eye? If you are wearing glasses and you intend to have rhinoplasty and LASIK eye surgery or you are now thinking about rhinoplasty after performing LASIK eye surgery, you have probably had questions about these items.. These questions may be of concern to you, in this article along with Of nose surgery These questions may be of concern to you, in this article along with.

These questions may be of concern to you, in this article along with

If you have had LASIK and are now seeking rhinoplasty, it is best to wait 1-2 months. If you have had LASIK and are now seeking rhinoplasty, it is best to wait 1-2 months. If you have a question about whether it is better to have LASIK after or before rhinoplasty, it should be said that since you can not wear glasses for a while after rhinoplasty, then if your vision is limited without glasses, it is better to have LASIK first. Do. You can even have a nose job a short distance after LASIK, or you can have a nose job first and LASIK shortly afterwards..

But it is better to do each of these operations that you do first after the recovery period and recovery, the second operation. It seems that each person should leave 1-2 months between these two operations according to the recovery process. It seems that each person should leave 1-2 months between these two operations according to the recovery process. Be sure to consult your cosmetic surgeon and ophthalmologist before deciding on this.

Be sure to consult your cosmetic surgeon and ophthalmologist before deciding on this

Be sure to consult your cosmetic surgeon and ophthalmologist before deciding on this. During which, pressure is applied to the eyes. During which, pressure is applied to the eyes. During which, pressure is applied to the eyes. Depending on the techniques used in the surgery and the history of allergies, people may experience mild to moderate bruising after rhinoplasty.. In rhinoplasty, the skin of the nose is separated from the cartilage and bone, and the surgeon uses various techniques to resolve the nasal problems.. During this process, a number of vessels and capillaries under the skin of the nose are damaged. During this process, a number of vessels and capillaries under the skin of the nose are damaged. During this process, a number of vessels and capillaries under the skin of the nose are damaged.

Eye LASIK and Rhinoplasty | The best beauty clinic in Isfahan

The best beauty clinic in Isfahan. The best beauty clinic in Isfahan. Occasionally there may be redness inside the eye, which is also transient and is not caused by damage to the eye tissue. The bruises are related to the skin tissue and have nothing to do with the cornea of ​​the eye on which LASIK is performed.. Therefore, rhinoplasty usually does not put pressure on the eye, and if LASIK is performed before rhinoplasty, there will be no interference.. In people with a history of symmetrical detachment, an ophthalmologist should be consulted before rhinoplasty.

In people with a history of symmetrical detachment, an ophthalmologist should be consulted before rhinoplasty

To deform the nose and correct its defects, the nasal bones are broken during the operation. To deform the nose and correct its defects, the nasal bones are broken during the operation. In the first days after surgery, a splint or cast is placed on the nose. In the first days after surgery, a splint or cast is placed on the nose. In the first days after surgery, a splint or cast is placed on the nose. Because the pressure of the glasses on the bones and cartilage of the nose that have not yet regained their strength may cause the final deformation of the nose.

If a person must use glasses, he should stick the glasses to his forehead with glue to prevent the glasses from pressing on the nose.. Or use glasses that do not have a bridge and put pressure on the cheeks. Because it is recommended not to wear glasses after rhinoplasty, so if a person intends to have LASIK eye. It is better to do it before rhinoplasty so that you do not face these problems after rhinoplasty. It is better to do it before rhinoplasty so that you do not face these problems after rhinoplasty.

It is better to do it before rhinoplasty so that you do not face these problems after rhinoplasty

In people with myopia, nearsightedness and astigmatism. In people with myopia, nearsightedness and astigmatism. LASIK takes 5-15 minutes for each eye, after which the person's vision improves. LASIK takes 5-15 minutes for each eye, after which the person's vision improves. These side effects usually go away after a week. These side effects usually go away after a week.

These cares include wearing protective goggles while sleeping, regular use of drops that keep the eyes moist.. These cares include wearing protective goggles while sleeping, regular use of drops that keep the eyes moist. … است. The eyes usually heal completely three months after LASIK eye surgery. The eyes usually heal completely three months after LASIK eye surgery. Rhinoplasty also has its own complications and care, and the person must follow the care recommended by the doctor to achieve the desired result.. For this reason, it is recommended that you do not perform these two operations at the same time. For this reason, it is recommended that you do not perform these two operations at the same time.

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Read more:

The effect of sunlight on the operated nose

Taking Anahil pills for rhinitis (Pineapple tablets)

Stitches remain in the nose

New address of Dr. Rasti Rhin Surgeon's office in Isfahan

New address of Dr. Rasti Rhin Surgeon's office in Isfahan

Information about the new address of Dr. Majid Rasti

We would like to inform all clients and visitors that the office of Dr. Majid Rasti, Isfahan Rhinoplasty Surgeon, has a new address located inصفهان – Mardavij Street (Sheikh Klini) – No. 21 North Has been transferred.

دکتر مجید راستی - Of nose surgery 1

Isfahan Rhinoplasty Surgeon Dr. Majid Rasti Ardakani

Choosing a Rhinoplasty Surgeon is one of the most important choices for rhinoplasty applicants.. Be very careful in choosing a rhinosurgeon. If you are not satisfied with the result after rhinoplasty, you should go for rhinoplasty.. Also, because the shape of the nose after rhinoplasty is very important for applicants and they want to maintain the correct function of the nose, they should choose a good nasal surgeon.. Because the skill of a rhinosurgeon is the most important factor for the beauty of the shape of the nose and maintaining the function of the nose .

دکتر مجید راستی - Of nose surgery 1

The role of the surgeon in rhinoplasty

It should be noted here that the most important point in rhinoplasty is the skill of the surgeon. Therefore, if you choose an experienced and skilled rhinosurgeon, it is possible to achieve the desired results from fleshy nose surgery, such as bone nose surgery.. It will be easily possible. If you, like other friends looking for a good rhinoplasty surgeon, are confused and do not know which rhinoplasty or plastic surgeon to choose.

We suggest you to choose Dr. Majid Rasti Ardakani, Isfahan plastic surgeon and Isfahan rhinosurgeon as your surgeon for your rhinoplasty, without a doubt, this will be one of your best choices because Dr. Majid Rasti is one of the doctors. Well, they are skilled, experienced and perform rhinoplasty with high knowledge and experience in this field..

دکتر مجید راستی - Of nose surgery 1


Learn more about the doctor:

  • Born March 1964 in the beautiful city of Isfahan.
  • Diploma in 1983 and entering medical school, Tehran University the same year
  • 1990 year entry period of general surgery, University of Isfahan
  • Input period 1378 plastic surgery hospital of Iran University of Medical Sciences,fa
  • Plastic surgery specialty course graduate of the year 2002
  • The Secretary of the Congress of plastic surgeons years 2011
  • A legal practitioner and expert medical system for 10 years in the field of plastic surgery offences review
  • Member of society of plastic surgeons and the beauty of Iran
  • Member of the American Society of plastic surgeons and aesthetic

دکتر مجید راستی - Of nose surgery 1

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Modern nose surgery

Modern nose surgery

Modern nose surgery:

Today, several Nasal surgery to repair the nose of flesh there.
This modern methods are more scientific than many of the old ways .
Cosmetic nose surgery specialist in modern style in this category all try that the nose does not reduce cartilage or bone.
تا حد امکان برای بهبود وضعیت ظاهری به این بخش از صورت مواردی نیز اضافه شود.برای مفهوم بیشتر این موضوع باید اینگونه بیان کنیم که در روش‌ های جراحی رینوپلاستی متخصص جراحی بینی تمامی تلاش خود را می‌کند.

The tissue in different parts of the nose section of the tissue is needed, uses.
درواقع بدون هیچ بافت مصنوعی به ترمیم بینی متقاضی اقدام می‌کند .در بعضی از موارد در روش‌ های جراحی بینی به سبک مدرن تلاش پزشک به استفاده از بافت‌ های دیگر نقاط بدن برای پیوند زدن به بافت بینی می‌باشد .در واقع متخصص با تغییر شکل دادن بافت , small or large nose, and it gives a good structure and mode .

The most important part of modern surgical procedures are nose reshaping nose without removing extra tissue that .

Doctor Majid Rasti ardakani

فوق تخصص جراحی پلاستیک اصفهان، ترمیمی و سوختگی

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